Chapter 74

In response to Monoma's assertion that he enjoyed showing off, Izuku casually replied, "Showing off is one of the more important qualities of a Hero. We exist to inspire people, so it wouldn't make much sense for me to lie low."

Snorting in disdain, Monoma resisted the pain in his gut, smiling as he said, "Well, in this instance, I'm afraid it's going to cause you to have to suffer a bit of embarrassment..."

Immediately following Monoma's words, a gloved fist, flying surprisingly quickly, impacted Izuku's face. At the same time, a girl's voice could be heard exclaiming, "Ouch! Tough bastard...!" from someplace out of sight, the result of the former's face being nearly as hard as concrete.

Grabbing the hand before it could retreat, or at least a part of it, Izuku quickly inspected the 'fragment' of palm in his hand, thinking, ("I'm pretty sure I read a few doujinshis about this chick in my past life...")


Name: [Setsuna Tokage]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter

Bond Level: 61

Current Level: 21

Effective Level: 64


Strength: 28

Agility: 39

Vitality: 247

Intelligence: 49

Dexterity: 91

Luck: 47

Free Attributes: 105


Party Invitation Required


While Izuku was 'distracted,' Monoma flew toward him with reckless abandon, presumably trying to use Twin Impact, a Quirk that allowed the user to trigger a second, far more powerful blow on anything they struck with their fists. The secondary impact could even be triggered remotely, upwards of ten minutes after the initial strike, so it was a fairly powerful Quirk in capable hands.

Evading Monoma's surprise attack with a fairly casual sidestep, Izuku calmly remarked, "Sorry, but attacking me was a mistake. I have no personal grudge against you, but my Class is relying on me. As such, I'm afraid your exam ends here..."

Moving much faster than Monoma could react, Izuku extended his hand, unleashing several tendrils of Blackwhip to immobilize the princely youth before flinging him, hard, into the side of a building. In the same motion, he dodged a broad, sweeping wave of glue from Bondo, evading around it to appear before the tall and muscular boy like a dark green blur.


Though he nearly regretted it when Bondo spewed a tremendous amount of glue, Izuku landed a heavy blow to the boy's diaphragm, forcing him to his knees. Luckily, his temporarily bolstered Agility allowed him to move faster than Bondo's projectile spittle, allowing him to avoid being covered in the incredibly sticky substance.

("Does he even have blood?") wondered Izuku, staring down at Bondo coughing up mouthfuls of glue, a similar substance leaking from his eye holes like tears...

Emerging a few meters behind Izuku, appearing as an upper body with only a single arm, a young woman with medium-length, dark-green hair, large, similarly green eyes, and notably sharp teeth shouted, "Hey, give me back that piece of my body! Don't think you can just hold onto it like that...!"

Genuinely curious, Izuku unhesitantly released the fragment of flesh, allowing it to float back to Tokage as he asked, "Can you feel pain and other sensations from the detached pieces of your body?" while picturing the green-haired girl's lower half floating around somewhere.

"Ha! Do you think I'll explain my powers to you in the middle of an exam!?" shouted Tokage, her sharp teeth on full display as she grinned from ear to ear.

Maintaining his relaxed expression and posture, Izuku remarked, "It must be so, considering you shouted after punching me in the face. Sorry about that, by the way. And for this, as well..."

Before Tokage could ask what he was sorry about, Izuku used Blackwhip to propel himself toward her like a missile. Tokage's Quirk allowed her to split her body into as many as 50 pieces, freely controlling each as if she possessed Telekinesis. More interestingly, if the detached pieces were destroyed or moved beyond a certain range, they would dissolve into a misty black substance before regenerating on Tokage's body.

Since Tokage's body was missing from her diaphragm down, Izuku didn't have a lot of places he could strike without being regarded as a pervert. As such, he created a web of Blackwhip from his wrist, causing Tokage's eyes to widen as he enveloped her entire body within a spherical cocoon before tapping his earpiece and stating, "Three enemies captured. Moving them to prison. Stay on your toes."

With Tsuyu, Shoji, and Sero responding in the affirmative, Izuku collected the bodies of Monoma and Bondo using Blackwhip before racing toward Class 1-A's detainment facility with them and Tokage in tow. The trio did their best to try and break free from their bindings, none more so than Monoma, but with Blackwhip possessing regenerative capabilities and a tensile strength comparable to spider silk, their efforts were ineffective...




Seeing Izuku arrive with three captives, Todoroki, serving as their team's warden, offered a curt "Good work." before creating a small gap in the ice dome he had surrounding their prison, a large, steel cage that looked like it was used to detain dangerous animals.

Depositing the trio into the steel cage, Izuku offered an apologetic smile as he said, "I hope you're able to be released before the exam ends. Next time, try and choose your target more carefully. I didn't take First Place in the Sports Festival by being weak."

Adding insult to injury, the now whole Tokage loudly complained, "See, what did I tell you, Monoma-kun!? We should have played it safe and waited until we had collected a few points before attacking! Aaaaah, if I fail the Practical, I swear I'll bite your stupid head...!"


Snorting through his nose, Monoma maintained his haughty demeanor as he argued, "If we didn't seize the initiative to attack, he would have come for us while we were focused on collecting points. Don't speak when you have no idea what-"

Before Monoma could finish telling her off, Tokage pounced on him like an angry koala, literally biting his head with her very sharp-looking teeth. At the same time, Bondo slumped in a corner of the cell, looking to be in low spirits as glue dripped from his eye holes. It was a fairly depressing sight, so Izuku left the trio to their own devices, exchanging a brief farewell with Todoroki before returning to the city's center...




In the wake of Izuku's departure, Tsuyu, Sero, and Shoji tried to earn some points for their team, effortlessly destroying the 1, 2, and 3-Point Villain bots using their tongue, tape, and tentacles. Tsuyu, in particular, left the two boys feeling a little helpless as her speed and agility were on another level compared to what she displayed in training.


Name: [Tsuyu Asui]

Title: Tongue Goddess(Dexterity +50)

Quirk: Frog

Bond Level: 93

Current Level: 25

Effective Level: 47


Strength: 33

Agility: 71

Vitality: 100

Intelligence: 82

Dexterity: 128

Luck: 51

Free Attributes: 0


[Thermoregulation], [Healthy Body], [Godly Tongue]


Using her tongue like a lightning-fast whip, Tsuyu casually 'flicked' off the head of a 3-Pointer before leaping tens of meters, briefly adhering to the side of a building before kicking off of it with enough force to send spider web cracks through the reinforced windowed plating.

Having joined up with Shoji to take on a 10-Pointer, a wry smile marred Sero's face as he remarked, "Is it just me, or have all the girls in our Class become super strong recently...?"


Though he had also noticed the rather explosive growth of the girls, Shoji chose not to comment on Sero's observation. It was fairly obvious to him and a few others what was happening, but they had agreed not to discuss it since Izuku was their friend. They might have said something if it looked like Izuku was two-timing or taking advantage of their classmates, but with how closely knit the girls in Class were, the only logical explanation was that they had reached a compromise of some kind...

"Stay focused..." said Shoji, splitting his tentacles to produce ten fists as he launched himself at the rampaging 10-Pointer. As he did so, Sero shot a white, tape-like substance from the 'dispensers' in his elbows, attaching the ends to two different buildings before retracting them rapidly, flinging himself into the air like a slingshot. He was one of the few people in Class 1-A who hadn't realized what was going on, but he didn't press the matter as now was neither the time nor the place for idle conversation...




In the midst of Izuku's return trip to the city center, Momo's voice came over his earpiece, ordering, "Paragon, please make your way to Point C2. Mindjack(Shinso) has requested assistance."

Tapping his earpiece, Izuku responded with a curt "Roger." before using Blackwhip to abruptly change directions, pulling himself from building to building rather than swinging like Spiderman. He had attempted it once, but that shit was terrifying...




As Izuku had predicted, Class 1-B had left Juzo Honenuki, Hero Name: Mudman, to defend their base. This made it nearly impossible for anyone to get inside as the entire building looked like a mud patty on the surface, meaning they would need to sift or swim through tens of meters of semi-liquid concrete, steel, and glass to have even a slight chance of attaining 1-B's briefcase.

Making things even more difficult for the reconnaissance squad, Itsuka Kendo, Hero Name: Battle Fist, had left behind many of her Class's most troublesome Quirk users to reinforce their defense. This included Kinoko Komori(Shemage), Manga Fukidashi(Comicman), Yosetsu Awase(Welder), and Jurota Shishida(Gevaudan). Komori's Quirk, in particular, was proving to be a massive pain as she was capable of spreading microscopic spores through an area, instantaneously sprouting mushrooms on whatever they touched. This included people's bodies, and if they were unlucky enough to inhale them, the mushrooms could even sprout in their lungs.

"Dammit..." groaned Shinso, plucking what must have been the hundredth mushroom from his body. Even after he had retreated from the area most affected by Komori's Quirk, mushrooms would occasionally sprout on his body, the result of each mushroom producing spores of its own.

"This is driving me crazy!" complained Toru, her invisible body covered in dozens, if not hundreds, of mushrooms. The spores reacted faster when exposed to moisture, so her particular 'Hero Costume' was a tremendous disadvantage against an opponent like Komori.

Feeling a little sorry for Toru, Ojiro scratched his cheek, averting his eyes from her mushroom-covered form as he suggested, "Why don't you pull back for the time being, Hagakure-san? There isn't much we can do now, so you should find someplace to deal with those mushrooms while we-"

Interrupting Ojiro's words, a massive, muscular figure covered in brown fur and wearing dark sunglasses smashed through the wall of the building they were huddled inside, roaring, "Found you...!" while trying to grab Toru with his enormous hand.

Reacting almost instantaneously, despite the fact he was just as surprised as Shinso and Toru, Ojiro kicked the massive, furry figure in his jaw before spinning mid-air, following up with a mighty tail whip. There was a notable difference in their sizes, but Ojiro's thick, prehensile tail was practically all muscle. He could only benchpress a few hundred kilograms with his arms, but when he used his tail, even 2000kgs wasn't out of the question.

Growing larger and even 'fluffier' than before, the feral-looking man wiped his face and roared, "Not bad! But even if you've got a kick like a truck, it'll take more than that to take me out...!"

Seemingly oblivious to the presence of Shinso and Toru, the beastly man, Juroto Shishida, charged at Ojiro on all fours. His Quirk, Beast, amplified his bestial traits even further, providing him enhanced senses, strength, and increased size. The downside was that he became more animalistic the longer he was transformed, causing him to make increasingly reckless decisions and giving him tunnel vision whenever he encountered a strong foe. In this case, that was Ojiro, so Shishida charged him with the simple-minded intention of determining which of them was stronger...




(A/N: Setsuna has a lot of 'potential.' It's too bad the MC already has his harem mostly filled out o3o...)