Chapter 86

While the girls chatted and got to know each other over tea and fraps, Izuku sat alone, silently observing the residents of I-Island and the many Heroes who had traveled from afar to attend the I-Expo.

Though David had stated that the 'Meta World Transveral' phenomenon wouldn't reach global proportions for another two years, Japan and the other countries within the Southeast Asian circle had long histories rich with mythos and tradition. If Izuku had to guess, 'breaches' had already started appearing in China, but the government had kept it under wraps. There was no CCP in the world of Boku no Hero Academia, but as one of the countries that had tried to conquer the world following the emergence of Quirks, citing that the 'Golden Child' was the Mandate of Heaven, it had effectively become an isolationist nation in the wake of the Quirk Wars.

Assuming his guess was correct, Izuku suspected that breaches would appear in Japan within the next three to six months. After that, the Hero's Association of Japan might as well rename itself the Department of Gate Management or the Hunters Association, as there would be no way to prevent opportunistic individuals from accessing the randomly manifested gates.

As could be seen with existences like the 'Meta Liberation Army,' many people were desperate for the opportunity to use their Quirks without a license. If they learned there was a method to increase their power and earn a fortune by eradicating 'monsters' with their Quirks, such individuals would jump at the opportunity. And why shouldn't they? If breaches were occurring across the globe, potentially threatening the whole of humanity, closing them or slaughtering the monsters that came out was 'patriotism.'

Since it was impossible to prevent people from using the breaches to cultivate wealth and power, the Hero Association would need to take the initiative to send people inside to close them as quickly as possible. Izuku needed to ensure he was a part of this response force, so he would either need to get his Provisional Hero License as soon as possible or convince Nezu to let the students of the Hero Department actively assist in closing breaches.

Fortunately, as if everything had been planned, Izuku's first chance at receiving his Provisional Hero License was just around the corner, set to take place just before the start of the second term. First Years usually weren't allowed to apply, but Izuku doubted Nezu would refuse to let him participate. Thus, so long as he could complete his CBEs before the start of Work Studies, Izuku would be a student in name only. He would have absolutely no obligation to attend class, including in the afternoon, so he could invest all his time and energy into rescuing Eri and preparing for the breaches...

Breaking Izuku from his serious contemplation, Ochaco asked, "Izuku? Is everything okay...?" in a concerned tone. The former had what could best be described as a grim expression on his face as he stared into space, so the girls had cut their conversation short to check on him.

Regaining his usual smile, Izuku answered, "Of course. I was just thinking about the future a bit. Remember how I plan to take the Credit-by-Exams for the Second and Third Years once the second term starts? I'm thinking about how best to prepare for them."

"If that's the case, we could study together," proposed Momo. She had also been preparing for the CBEs after learning Izuku was taking them, but, unlike him, she planned to keep attending classes when she wasn't partaking in a Work Study. After all, she 'was' the Class Representative.

"I'd like that," replied Izuku. "But I'm planning to spend the second half of Summer Break at Ōkunoshima, remember?"

Nodding in affirmation, Momo replied, "I remember well." before adopting a playful smile and adding, "That's why all of us will also be spending the second half of Summer Break at Ōkunoshima. Usagiyama-san contacted me to make the arrangements herself. She mentioned she got my number from your phone."

"She messaged me as well," said Toru. "Something about wanting us to get to know each other since we're in the same boat."

With everyone but Melissa responding similarly, the smile on Izuku's face cramped before he promptly gave up and laughed it off. He was the one to suggest that Rumi meet the other girls, but instead of going to Momo's house, it seemed his favorite rabbit had taken matters into her own hands, ensuring she would be at an absolute advantage by inviting everyone to her home...

Surprising only Izuku, Melissa asked, "If everyone's going together, mind if I come along? Summer Break for the Academy extends into the second week of September, so I have plenty of free time."

Responding on everyone else's behalf, Momo narrowed her eyes into a radiant smile as she answered, "We would need to get permission from Usagiyama-san, but I don't think she would mind. She seemed intent on gathering all the girls who 'closely associate' with Izuku-kun."

Adopting a somewhat awkward smile, Melissa actively avoided Izuku's gaze as she appended, "I'll also need to get permission from my Papa, but I'm confident he'll agree. Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, and with Uncle Might nearby, even a meteor wouldn't be able to harm me."

Emulating one of Toshinori's bicep flexing poses, Melissa continued to avoid Izuku's gaze as she and the other girls began to make idle chatter, this time while seated around him. Izuku interpreted this as their way of demonstrating that Melissa was now a part of them, but until he heard the words from the pleasantly plump pioneer herself, he was going to pretend he hadn't seemed to work for other harem protagonists...




While Izuku was busy living a very enviable existence, as least to some, Toshinori and David were drinking whisky from the latter's private stock. Toshinori usually abstained from alcohol, especially after his injury, but now that he had recovered and couldn't get drunk, he enjoyed the social aspect of sharing a drink with friends.

Lacking the same tolerance/immunity as Toshinori, David's face was a little red as he asked, "Do you and Nezu really trust that kid, Toshi? He seems...different from other people. I don't know how to describe it, but it's like he's not really 'here' with the rest of us. He seems like a good kid, but I get the impression he has no real attachment to life. It's almost like he's just going through the motions...or maybe he's looking for a place to die?"

Though he adopted a serious, almost offended look, Toshinori didn't try to refute David's words immediately. He got a similar impression from Izuku but viewed it as the young man's spirit of self-sacrifice, one of the most important traits of a Hero, especially one who shoulders the responsibility of One-for-All...

Downing his remaining whiskey, Toshinori set his glass on its coaster as he firmly asserted, "I would entrust that boy with my life and the lives of everyone around me. You might view him as looking for a place to die, but I see him as a brave young man willing to give his all to protect everyone and everything within his grasp..."

While Izuku had yet to prove himself in the truest sense of the word, Toshinori had no doubt his protege would 'answer the call' the moment it came. If not for his other obligations, like being a student and maintaining his relationships, Toshinori believed Izuku would be out fighting crime and thwarting villains ten, fifteen, maybe even twenty hours a day. Instead, he was 'forced' to bide his time and make preparations.

Regaining a broad smile, Toshinori added, "If I had to guess, that boy is probably thinking about how to address the issue of these 'breaches' you mentioned even as he tours the island with your daughter. That's the type of young man Izuku Midoriya is. When he's unable to act directly, he does his best to prepare for when he can. And not just himself, either. He offers advice to just about everyone in his Class, constantly encouraging them so that they might improve just a little faster."

Narrowing his eyes, David gave Toshinori a sidelong look as he asked, "And you believe he can help Melissa 'improve' as well? From what you've told me, he's even more of a playboy than Captain Celebrity..."

Adopting an even broader smile, Toshinori teased, "That's pretty amusing coming from you, Dave. Before you met Catherine and settled down, you were quite the playboy. Would you really condemn others for enjoying the springtime of their youth?"

Furrowing his brows, David asserted, "It's because of my past that I know how harmful such behavior can be. Even now, I sometimes wish I could go back and apologize to all the mothers and fathers whose daughters I treated like playthings..."

"Well, you can rest assured," said Toshinori. "Contrary to what you might think, Izuku is a very responsible boy. Each of the girls he's involved with are remarkably close to one another. Instead of 'playing around,' it's more accurate to say our young friend is at their mercy! Hahahahaha~!"

Imagining the scenario of Izuku being 'bullied' by his female classmates, a faintly amused smile developed across David's face. He still didn't feel like entrusting his daughter to a brat he had just met, but if it was true the girls around Izuku had formed a 'sisterhood,' it wouldn't be the end of the world if Melissa became a part of it. Rather, with the world on the verge of a literal end or, at the very least, catastrophic change, it was probably best if his daughter was working alongside the people with the power to save or maintain it...

Turning to meet Toshinori's gaze, David's expression became serious as he expressed, "Things are about to get really bad, Toshi. I don't want my daughter to be here when the global community begins pressuring us for an immediate solution that will likely take years, potentially even decades, to arrive..."

Shaking his head, David's expression hardened even further as he added, "Melissa's dream is to be a Hero, not someone who is confined to a lab all day, a slave to the whims and unrealistic expectations of bureaucrats. As my daughter, the pressure on her will be even more immense. That's why, even though I have many concerns, I want you to take my daughter away from here. Japan is one of the most secure countries in the world and should have a much easier time dealing with the breach crisis due to its small size and centralized population. They also have you to protect them, so please, Toshi...protect my Melissa..."

Placing his fist over his chest, Toshinori swore, "You have my word, Dave. So long as I draw breath, I will not allow any harm to befall your daughter. Even if the very gods of Japanese mythology start to appear, I will strike them down with one mighty blow...!"

Though his words might sound a little braggadocious, Toshinori knew he and Izuku were two of the only people that could realistically stand up to such entities. The latter had yet to grasp the full power of One-for-All, but that would change once he boosted his Level. To that end, Toshinori was seriously contemplating inviting his young protege for a brief trip to Egypt. He was curious about the 'worlds' on the other side of the breaches, but more than that, he wanted to prepare a bit before they started appearing in Japan. The Hero's Association would doubtlessly call upon him to help calm the public once the breaches began to appear. Hence, the more he knew about the phenomenon in advance, the easier it would be for him to assure the public that everything was under control...

("Let's just hope no actual gods appear...") thought Toshinori, unaware of the existence of flags...




(A/N: Susanoo be like, "Soon...")