Chapter 102

Contrasting her usual intensity, Rumi was fairly docile as she sat atop Izuku's lap with a listless look as he gently massaged her breasts from behind. The two had wrapped up their seven-and-a-half-hour fuckathon by retiring to the girls' bath, taking advantage of the fact that the usual bath time was between 6-8 PM.

While rubbing his mouth and nose against Rumi's rabbit-like ears, Izuku caused a slightly pouty look to develop across her face as he asked, "Are you mine yet...?"

Instead of waiting for Rumi's response, Izuku slid his left hand beneath the water's surface, rubbing her clit as her insides tightened around his cock. He had fully intended to take a 'normal' bath when they first got in, but as they were both naked, Rumi had seated herself atop his cock as if it were the most sensible, completely natural thing to do.


After a moment of silence, Rumi abruptly bumped into Izuku's chin with the back of her head, her brows furrowed as she said, "Stop asking me that..." in a faint, husky tone.

Adopting a faint smile, Izuku moved his palm to Rumi's abdomen, gently caressing it as he mused, "You're this point, there's no need to ask such a thing. Your actions speak volumes..."

Hearing Izuku's assertion, Rumi was tempted to hit him a second time but ultimately decided against it. Instead, she leaned her weight against him as she thought, ("I should never have boosted my all I can think about is building a future with this cocky little shit...")

Catching Izuku by surprise, Rumi abruptly opened her status window, staring at it with half-lidded eyes...


Name: [Rumi Usagiyama]

Title: Voracious Rabbit(Attributes Randomly Increase During Sex)

Quirk: Rabbit

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 84

Effective Level: 265->267


Strength: 394->395

Agility: 451->453

Vitality: 653->656

Intelligence: 54->55

Dexterity: 466->468

Luck: 638->643

Free Attributes: 0


[Fleet-Footed], [Thunderous Thighs], [Healthy Body], [Second Wind], [Keen Senses], [Lucky Rabbit's Foot]


Though it didn't happen every single time, Rumi's attributes had around a 50% chance of increasing whenever Izuku gave her a creampie. With how vigorous her young lover was, this meant she would gain at least a Level's worth of stats during each of their fuck sessions. It was a strange thing to consider, but Rumi had previously calculated that if they fucked every day for an entire year, her Effective Level could increase upwards of 500. The fourteen attribute points she acquired the previous night all but confirmed this...

"This is so dumb..." muttered Rumi. "I've trained my ass off my entire life, but the bulk of my strength is going to come from some brat blowing his load inside of me..."

"I doubt it..." replied Izuku, kissing the top of Rumi's head before adding, "Once the MWT phenomenon reaches Japan, you'll be one of the people fighting most intensely on the frontlines. Just view these bonus attributes as 'compensation' for me taking away some of the time you would have spent clearing breaches..."

Understanding the implication of Izuku's words, Rumi looked down, intending to stare at her stomach but finding her vision obstructed by her voluminous tits. Despite this, she could envision Izuku's semen swimming inside her womb, eagerly competing against one another to be the first to locate and assail her eggs. Unfortunately, as she had never experienced a menstrual cycle, Rumi had no way of knowing if she was ovulating or not. There was even a chance Izuku 'couldn't' impregnate her, but even if that were the case, Rumi had no intention of giving up...

Realizing she was actually 'looking forward' to getting pregnant, a slight frown marred Rumi's face. She would never admit it, no matter how many times he asked, but she knew, deep in her heart, that her mind and body belonged to Izuku. Thus, even if his words and actions sometimes made her want to punch him in the face, she was no longer able to refuse when he told her to come running...rather, she looked forward to it...




With Rumi ultimately deciding against revealing her presence to the students of Class 1-A and 1-B, she and Izuku parted ways, the latter rejoining the boys from his Class as they prepared for their third day of training.

Seeing Izuku enter the room, Kirishima was the first to ask, "You good, man? You were gone the entire night."

As he and Rumi had changed venues quite a few times, Izuku issued a protracted yawn before answering, "Since I slacked off during yesterday's training, I was forced to endure remedial lessons all night. I'm good to go, though."

Catching Izuku a little off guard, Sero adopted his distinctive, upside-down triangle of a smile as he teased, "So that's what you were doing? Training with this 'Rumi Usagiyama' woman?"

Masking his surprise behind a relaxed smile, Izuku responded with an affirming nod, answering, "Yeah. She's my training and combat instructor, so we went a few rounds around the mountain."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, man," teased Sero. However, if he knew the 'true identity' of Rumi Usagiyama, he might have coughed up blood. After all, Izuku was far from the only young man who 'greatly admired' the beautiful, rabbit-eared Heroine. There was a reason she was Rank 7 on the Japanese Hero Billboard Charts despite being anti-social and lacking a PR team. She had 'a lot' of fans...




After getting changed into his gym clothes, Izuku made his way outside, casually chatting with Kirishima and Shoji until he spotted Ochaco, Tsuyu, Mina, Toru, Momo, Kyouka, and even Toga standing in a group.

"Let's talk later," said Izuku, parting ways with the two boys and intruding on the girl's group, smiling as he mused, "You've got bedhead, Ochaco..."

Punctuating his words, Izuku smoothed down Ochaco's hair as if it was the most natural thing to do, earning stares from the other girls as Tsuyu remarked, "You're becoming bolder, ribbit..."

Adopting a broad smile, Izuku replied, "Now that our relationship is no longer a secret, I feel free and unrestrained for the first time in months. But don't worry. I might dote on you, but I won't take things too far. Not while we're at school or participating in school functions. On that note..."

Pulling out a piece of black fabric from his pocket, Izuku proferred it to Toga as he said, "You shouldn't be sneaking around and breaking school rules, Toga-san..."

Looking away from the familiar piece of fabric, Toga attempted to feign ignorance, asserting, "I have no idea what you could possibly be referring to..."

Shaking his head, Izuku casually replied, "There's no sense in trying to deny it. I can ascertain a person's identity with a single glance, even if they're invisible. Besides, if it had Toru who snuck into the boys' changing room, she wouldn't have run away..."

Hearing Izuku's words, Toru blinked in surprise, turning to Toga to ask, "You copied my Invisibility Quirk?"

Answering in Toga's stead, Izuku explained, "She can temporarily mimic the appearance, Quirk, and even the capabilities of anyone whose face she touches with her left hand. The more 'accurate' the copy, the shorter the duration."

Losing her usual smile, Toga adopted a narrow-eyed pout, crossing her arms as she asserted, "It's not polite to reveal other peoples' secrets..."

"The same could be said about copying their appearance and abilities without permission," retorted Izuku, adding, "If you really want to fit in with everyone, you should be more 'forthright.' Sneaking around behind their backs is a good way to make enemies..."

Finally accepting her panties back, Toga maintained a pouty expression as she groused, "Then let me join your harem. It's not fair if I'm the only one left out..."

As he could easily envision Toga emulating the girls' appearances to perform some vengeful acts, Izuku replied, "That's up to everyone here. I've already crossed too many lines to feign propriety, so I leave most of the decisions about whether or not someone can join my harem to them."

Prompted by Izuku's words, Momo adopted a faint smile as she revealed, "You'll be pleased to know we've already reached a consensus on that matter. So long as you follow the rules we've agreed upon and maintain open communication with everyone in the group, we'll happily welcome you into our fold, Toga-san."

Hearing Momo's words, a look of abject, slack-jawed disbelief marred Toga's face. She had originally been devastated to learn that Izuku was dating multiple girls but quickly resolved herself to steal him away. If she had known it was this easy to join his harem, she wouldn't have stressed out so much the previous two days...

Adopting a broad, toothy grin that showed off her prominent canines, Toga moved closer to Izuku and said, "If that's the case, then let's seal the deal with a kiss."

Nodding his head, Izuku replied, "I don't mind, but there is a condition I'd like to include..."

Tilting her head to the side, Toga's smiling expression turned into one of confusion as she asked, "What is it? If it's something I can do, I'll do my best to comply..."

Adopting a serious expression, Izuku explained, "Despite involving myself with multiple women, I'm the type that gets jealous easily. I want you to swear never to emulate my appearance or the appearance of another guy to try and 'trick' anyone in our group..."

"Is that all?" asked Toga. "If so, then you have nothing to worry about. My Quirk is only effective when I transform into girls around my same height and build. It's not impossible for me to transform into a guy, but there are too many 'anatomical differences' to maintain the transformation long-term. I have a similar issue when transforming into people with Mutant or Heteromorphic Quirks. It's not impossible, but recreating limbs or organs I don't originally possess is difficult..."

"That makes sense..." replied Izuku, nodding his head before adding, "Then my next question is fairly straightforward. Himiko Toga, would you like to join my Party?"

"I will if you kiss me~" replied Toga, linking her arms around Izuku's neck and dangling from him with a massive grin. Her actions earned her a light chastizing from Momo, but she wouldn't have minded a full-blown lecture after Izuku wrapped his hands around her waist and rewarded her with a kiss...


Name: [Himiko Toga]

Title: Mimic Queen(Vitality+100/Copies the effects of other Titles when Transformed)

Quirk: Transform

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 16

Effective Level: 59


Strength: 25

Agility: 22

Vitality: 235->400

Intelligence: 85->100

Dexterity: 29

Luck: 205

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Doppelganger], [Lucky Girl]

[Doppelganger]: The more familiar you are with the target, the longer you can emulate their form and abilities.

[Lucky Girl]: Physical Attributes are temporarily boosted by 10% after intercourse. The effect increases by 5% for each successive coupling, capping at 50%.





While everyone else was conducting intense training to improve their Quirks, Izuku was pulled aside by Ryuko, moving well beyond the 1km Experience Sharing range of the rest of the Class to meet up with the former's favorite rabbit.

Before separating earlier that morning, Izuku asked Rumi if she would help him conduct some experiments with the Experience Sharing feature. His plan was to re-roll most of his attributes into Luck, effectively giving himself and everyone present 667 Luck. Then, while he performed basic exercises off to the side, Rumi could thrash Ryuko's Earth Beasts to help him grind Experience.

Unfortunately, while Rumi earned around 6,000 Experience from defeating Ryuko's Earth Beasts, she was the only one to gain Experience. Izuku had anticipated this since he got no Experience when accompanying Toshinori to destroy some robots, but his experiments with Rumi and Ryuko allowed him to confirm there was an Experience Sharing range, not simply in terms of distance, but Level.

Fortunately, as their Levels were only one apart, Izuku could share Experience with Ryuko. His effectual Luck decreased from 796 to 537 since their Luck values were merged, divided by two, and then multiplied by 1.2, but he didn't mind. The more powerful Ryuko became, the more Experience points her Earth Beasts awarded. In other words, by training together, their Experience scaled infinitely, limited only by Ryuko's ability to produce a finite amount of Earth Beasts...




(A/N: So much potential for exploitation...)