Chapter 108

Emerging from Rumi's room around 8 AM, Izuku was looking forward to taking a warm bath and filling his belly when a familiar voice caused him to startle slightly, asking, "Oh? Have the two of you finally come to your senses? I was starting to think you wouldn't ever stop."

Though he initially covered his junk, as he and Rumi were walking around her house completely naked, Izuku uncensored himself as he asked, "So, you were the cat Rumi was referring to a few hours ago? Good to see you, Ryuko."

Instead of responding to Izuku's words directly, Ryuko stared down at his crotch, licking her lips and asking, "Got another one in you?"

Answering in Izuku's stead, Rumi crossed her arms and ordered, "We're about to take a bath. If you make yourself useful and cook something up for us, you can fool around a bit before the others arrive..."

Making a peace sign with her right hand, snipping it like scissors, Ryuko replied, "I'll make something that'll knock your non-existent socks off~!" before scampering off to the kitchen. She wasn't fond of being told what to do by a girl more than five years her junior, but as they were currently in Rumi's home, she decided to go along with the latter's power play.

Preventing Izuku from following Ryuko's departure with his eyes, Rumi abruptly grabbed his dick, saying, "Let's go." before releasing him to lead the way. As a result, his eyes were firmly fixed on her remarkably toned, breathtakingly beautiful ass as he followed her to the bath. There, Rumi had him sit down before lathering up her body, using herself as a sponge to give him a 'very' sensual wash. Doing so made him harder than a rock, so once they had rinsed off and moved to the bath, Rumi unhesitantly sat atop his lap, devouring his cock with her piping-hot pussy before linking her arms around his shoulders and kissing him as if they had never taken a respite from ensuring she was pregnant...




With Rumi apparently having stolen some of his clothes during her home visit, Izuku donned a black tank top and a pair of gym shorts while she changed into her Hero Costume, preparing to meet the girls at the shore of the island. Then, while she headed out, he made his way to the dining room, discovering Ryuko waiting patiently at the table in a short-sleeved pink blouse, a long skirt, and an apron. They were the same clothes she had been wearing earlier, but Izuku had been unable to get a good look at them since Rumi was being...possessive.

Adopting a smile the moment Izuku entered the room, Ryuko mused, "You're really something. You and Mirko must have been going at it for hours, yet you still managed to last another half hour in the bath? Let's hope you show a similar vigor when it comes time to impregnate me~."

Returning a smile of his own, Izuku made his way over to the table, taking a seat as he flatly asserted, "Rumi is an exception. If I were to do you the same way I do her, you'd break..."

Licking her lips, Ryuko narrowed her eyes and retorted, "That could be an interesting experience..."

"Then we'll cross that bridge when it comes..." replied Izuku, picking up his chopsticks and digging into Ryuko's restaurant-quality food. She had gone to college for three years, studying culinary arts and marketing, so even the rice she made was delicious.

Seeing Izuku stuff his face with her food, Ryuko's expression softened into a more natural smile as she leaned forward with her elbows on the table and simply watched him eat. It was only after he had eaten enough food to feed five ordinary people that she plainly remarked, "I'm going to be really disappointed if we don't do it at least once before the girls from your Class arrive."

Though he nearly did a spit take, Izuku managed to chew and swallow the food that was in his mouth before adopting a wry smile and replying, "Then we should probably hurry..."

Rising to her feet, Ryuko lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties as she playfully mused, "I'm ready when you are, big boy~" before lowering her skirt and adding, "Let's take this party to my room since I'll need to put on my Hero Costume once we're done."

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku quickly finished off the bowl of rice he was working on before chasing after Ryuko as she left the dining room. He felt like he had been fucking for days, but that wasn't going to stop him from giving the blonde-haired cat fanatic a proper dicking before Rumi returned with the girls, and he took a 'very' long nap...




With everyone choosing to travel as a group, Mina, Tsuyu, Ochaco, Kyoka, Toru, and Momo all arrived at Ōkunoshima aboard the same ferry. There, they met Rumi, following her to her home to find Izuku and Ryuko waiting for them outside.

Contrasting Izuku's visible fatigue, Ryuko was more hyper than usual as she did a solo introduction pose and welcomed the girls to Ōkunoshima. Instead of returning her greeting, however, the girls focused their gazes on Izuku, Tsuyu being the one to ask, "Are you okay, Izuku-chan? You look exhausted, ribbit..."

Sparing Izuku the need to respond, Rumi asserted, "You're all going to be exhausted after seeing the training schedule I have lined up for you. This isn't some pleasure island where you can cut loose and have fun without a care. My current motto is 'work hard, play hard,' so if you want to fuck or fool around, I expect you to bust your asses."

Shifting her gaze to Ryuko, Rumi narrowed her carmine eyes and adopted a teasing smile as she added, "Do your thing, crazy cat lady."

Though her left eye twitched, Ryuko struck a pose and responded with a vigorous "Right~!". As she did so, the soil in the surrounding area gathered rapidly, forming the shape of a 3m tall lizardman with remarkably realistic features.

Returning her gaze to the girls, Rumi focused on Tsuyu, saying, "You're the strongest girl in your Class, at least physically. I want you to take this guy out while the rest of you observe your Experience values."

"Okay," replied Tsuyu, releasing her suitcase and readily getting into a combat stance in her oversized vanilla t-shirt, short-shorts, dark-green camisole, and green tennis shoes.

"Then, here goes~!" exclaimed Ryuko, controlling the Lizardman to charge at Tsuyu with a rounded-off earthen spear.

Leaping away from the Lizardman much faster than it was able to close the distance, Tsuyu bent her extremely flexible body like a bow, twisting mid-air before unleashing her exceptionally swift tongue like a whip. She wasn't too enthused about licking literal dirt, but she felt she needed to show off a bit since Mirko, one of her Heroes, had called her the strongest in the group.

Though it attempted to protect itself with its spear, the Lizardman was bifurcated at the waist as Tsuyu's tongue lash tore through its spear and body without difficulty. Tsuyu's Strength and Agility more than doubled when she actively utilized her Quirk, albeit in small bursts, so the hastily made Lizardman stood no chance against her god-like tongue.

Nodding in approval, Rumi said, "Not bad. You have powerful legs and fast reactions. Once you get a bit stronger, I'll teach you a few things that will allow you to make better use of them. Having to lick your opponent will put you at a disadvantage against those with amorphous bodies or toxic Quirks..."

Before Tsuyu could thank her for the praise, Rumi turned her attention to the rest of the group, asking, "Did everyone gain Experience? And, if so, how much...?"

As she had been paying the closest attention to her Experience, Momo was the first to answer, "I gained 1056 Experience," in a surprised tone, adding, "A little more than 1% of the Experience needed to advance to the next Level..."

Following Momo, each of the girls confirmed they had received the same amount of Experience. When Rumi turned to Ryuko, the blonde-haired cat girl revealed she had only acquired 138 Experience while Izuku, similar to Rumi, had gained none. With Tsuyu being the highest among the girls at Level 28, nineteen Levels lower than Ryuko's and Izuku's 47, it was fairly safe to assume the Experience Sharing range was between 10-15 Levels.

Crossing her arms and grinning like a demon, Rumi channeled her inner Drill Instructor, bellowing, "Alright, listen up, you whelps! From now until you leave, you'll wake up around 4:30 AM and train from 5 to noon! Your goal is to get within Experience Sharing range of this idiot and reach Level 50 before the end of Summer Break! Any Free Attribute points you get will go straight into Luck from now on, you hear me!?"

Though Tsuyu and Kyoka stared blankly, Mina, Toru, Ochaco, and Momo responded enthusiastically to Rumi's words. Level 50 was higher than the average Level of a Pro, so while it was a little ridiculous to consider they could reach it before the end of Summer, they were thoroughly excited by the prospect. Fortunately, so long as they were within Experience Sharing range of each other, they would be able to grow at a similar rate.

Waiting for everyone's excitement to simmer, Rumi added, "Beyond your morning training, you're pretty much free to do whatever you want, be it studying, visiting the city, or fucking around like idiots. The only caveat is that while I'm present, Izuku belongs to me. You should know by now that the two of us are trying for a baby, so when I'm not out on patrol, the two of us will be fucking like rabbits, undisturbed. Do I make myself clear?"

Though it was a little discomfiting to hear someone they respected speak in such an overbearing manner, everyone responded in the affirmative to Rumi's stipulation. Fortunately, as they would soon learn, Rumi patrolled an average of fourteen hours a day, generally only sleeping for five to six, so they would have plenty of time to 'enjoy' their Summer Break...




While the girls were busy training with Ryuko, Izuku took a long bath before retiring to Rumi's bedroom, changing her bedding before lying face-down in their love nest. He wasn't planning to fall asleep right then and there, but his body and mind seemed to have other ideas as, in the blink of an eye, four hours had passed. He knew this because Rumi poked her head into the bedroom, having just returned from her morning patrol, asking, "Did you die on me?"

Turning his face to the side, Izuku stared at Rumi with sleepy eyes as he lazily asserted, "Even if someone were to tear out my heart, I'd find a way to keep going as long as I knew you were waiting for me..."

Rolling her eyes, Rumi softly remarked, "I see you still haven't outgrown using flattery and grandiloquent words. You do know that's not necessary anymore, right?"

Resisting the urge to point out that grandiloquent was a very big word, Izuku rolled onto his back, patting his chest as he replied, "Then what are you waiting for? Bring me that ass..."

Though she made her way over to the bed, Rumi didn't stop to strip off her Hero Costume. Instead, she crawled into it, narrowing her eyes like a predator as she approached Izuku. However, rather than attacking him as she normally would, she curled up next to him, nestling her head against his shoulder and joining him for a three-hour nap. After all, he wasn't the only one exhausted from their fifteen-and-a-half-hour fuckathon...




(A/N: For those curious, these are the girls' current Statuses)


Name: [Tsuyu Asui]

Title: Tongue Goddess(Dexterity +100)

Quirk: Frog

Bond Level: 94

Current Level: 28

Effective Level: 53


Strength: 58

Agility: 73

Vitality: 125

Intelligence: 85

Dexterity: 183

Luck: 65

Free Attributes: 0


[Thermoregulation], [Healthy Body], [Godly Tongue]


Name: [Kyoka Jiro]

Title: Rockin' Songstress(Vitality+50, Dexterity+50)

Quirk: Earphone Jack

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 21

Effective Level: 44


Strength: 25

Agility: 30

Vitality: 158

Intelligence: 78

Dexterity: 87

Luck: 64

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body]


Name: [Mina Ashido]

Title: Slime Queen(Vit+50, Dexterity+50)

Quirk: Acid

Bond Level: 91

Current Level: 23

Effective Level: 51


Strength: 52

Agility: 43

Vitality: 158

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 103

Luck: 55

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Acid Manipulation]


Name: [Ochaco Uraraka]

Title: Kind-hearted Nympho(Vitality+20, Dexterity+30, Luck+50)

Quirk: Zero Gravity

Bond Leve: 100

Current Level: 21

Effective Level: 50


Strength: 37

Agility: 35

Vitality: 143

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 70

Luck: 121

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Vector Shift]


Name: [Momo Yaoyorozu]

Title: Sexy Secretary(Luck +50, Luck +1 Each Time You Cum Inside Her)

Quirk: Creation

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 27

Effective Level: 65


Strength: 50

Agility: 50

Vitality: 248

Intelligence: 101

Dexterity: 52

Luck: 149

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Big Eater], [Encyclopedic Knowledge]


Name: [Toru Hagakure]

Title: Enthusiastic Exhibitionist(Agility+10, Vitality+10, Dexterity+30, Luck+50)

Quirk: Invisibility

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 23

Effective Level: 50


Strength: 37

Agility: 51

Vitality: 116

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 79

Luck: 122

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Temperature Resistance], [Sharp Mind], [Form Projection]
