Chapter 155

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Dylan A, the arch-nemesis of Dylan Z. Also, there are fourteen advance chapters on Patreon for those of you who are interested in reading ahead.)




[September 22nd, 2149]

'Well, that was an experience...' thought Izuku, waking atop Yu instead of the other way around. She was presently around 648cm, barely able to fit on his massive bed, so even though his height had reached a respectable 185cm, Izuku felt like a toy with her hand covering his lower abdomen like a blanket.

"Yu, it's time to get up," said Izuku. The Academy had granted everyone in the Knight Course a three-day holiday, but that had ended the day before. He didn't need to be at the amphitheater until 10 AM, but he didn't exactly have the luxury of sleeping in.

"Make me..." muttered Yu, spreading her legs and bending her knees in a lesser and greater than pose(< >). It was more commonly called a frog or dissection pose, but the girls didn't like that one bit.

"Seriously?" asked Izuku. "What do you want me to do, crawl inside you like a sleeping bag...?"

Instead of responding with words, Yu promptly shrunk to around 220cm before wrapping her muscular thighs around Izuku's waist. This was a far more manageable size, so Izuku pried her legs apart, held them in place, and gave the green-haired Heroine the first of many creampies he would confer throughout the day...




Having given up on not being manhandled, Rebecca sat in Izuku's lap as he sat cross-legged on the ground, the two of them watching Historia and Momo spar. The latter was a fairly talented fencer, but while poking things was an effective strategy, especially if you could accurately strike vitals, it was just one of the many basics of true swordsmanship.

"So you obtained your backpack, and Historia obtained her armor from a Blessing...?" asked Izuku, expanding upon the conversation they had been having about Momo's scant golden armor.

"That's right," replied Rebecca, further explaining, "Items obtained via the Blessing are known as unique or growth-type Artefacts. My Silver Arms is able to process materials found in the breaches and can even deconstruct other Artefacts to produce all kinds of mechanical appendages. Historia's Faerie Armor is even more incredible as it actively draws in Mana from her surroundings to ensure she can keep fighting indefinitely."

"Did you come up with these names yourselves...?" asked Izuku, raising his brow out of curiosity.

Shaking her head, Rebecca explained, "There are Skills called Insight and Appraisal that allow certain people, like real-world appraisers or museum curators, to ascertain the functions and even the materials used to create various Artefacts. If you're curious about the effects of Momo's armor, the Vice-Chamberlain of the Pendragon Estate, Leticia Dziedzic, can appraise it for you."

"Jay-jenks...?" parroted Izuku, causing Rebecca to shrug and respond, "That's close enough. I'm honestly not very good at pronouncing Polish names myself. My family was originally from Romania, but we lost touch with our roots during the Quirk Wars."

"I learn something new about you each day..." whispered Izuku, kissing the top of Rebecca's head. The rosy hue of her cheeks deepened at the sudden act of intimacy, but since he had his hand on her lower abdomen and his bulge pressing against her ass, her reaction was fairly measured compared to how she would have reacted if he kissed her out of the blue.

As she was seated cross-legged atop Izuku, Rebecca silently guided his hand from her abdomen to her panties. The uniform for girls at the Royal Academy included a pleated skirt, so Izuku had direct access to her pure white cotton panties. Instead of rubbing her through the fabric, however, Izuku slipped his hand into Rebecca's panties, caressing her increasingly moist slit slowly and gently.


Closing her eyes and easing into Izuku's chest, Rebecca readily immersed herself in the satisfaction of another's touch. Izuku's fingers were much larger than her own, and though he didn't stick them directly in her pussy, she relished how he massaged her folds and gently stimulated her clit. It was infinitely better than when she did it herself...

"You two seem to be enjoying yourself," mused Historia, causing Rebecca to startle slightly. What came out of her mouth in response wasn't words, however, as Izuku seized the opportunity to slip his middle finger into her pussy, eliciting a cute, "Hwawawaah!?" as Rebecca began to panic.

"Relax..." whispered Izuku, gently probing Rebecca's spasming snatch as Historia and Momo observed without even batting an eye. Then, without ceasing his actions, he gazed up at the two girls and asked, "Are you done sparring...?"

"We were planning to wash up before preparing for our departure," replied Momo, prompting Historia to append, "Would you like to join us, or will you be tending to Rebecca...?"

"That depends on Rebecca," replied Izuku, speeding up the movement of his finger as he gazed down at the panting, red-faced girl and asked, "Do you want to go take a bath or stay here for a while longer?"

Feeling even more aroused with an audience, Rebecca slouched her body as if to prompt Izuku to shove his finger even deeper inside her, all while staring at Historia. The latter smiled in response but promptly broke eye contact to meet Izuku's gaze, asking, "May I...?" without specifying what she was asking permission to do.

"Be my guest..." replied Izuku, removing his finger from Rebecca's pussy as Historia squatted down, picked her up, and borrowed a page from his book by flipping her over and promptly eating the squirming girl out. She had always been a somewhat 'masculine' girl, so after observing Izuku's example, Historia felt no qualms about manhandling her childhood friend. After all, Rebecca very clearly enjoyed it...




While making their way toward the amphitheater, Historia, walking with her hands behind her back and sporting her usual smile, asked, "How shall we conduct ourselves in front of our classmates? It's well known that you and Momo are engaged. I don't particularly concern myself with the opinions of those who would readily see me ruined, but I do not wish to-"

Recalling how Izuku reacted the last time she said she didn't want to cause him trouble, Historia paused mid-sentence before supplanting, "It might tarnish the prestige of the Pendragon Family and invite unsolicited scrutiny if our relationship were made public. Polygamy isn't uncommon in the United Kingdom, but the laws haven't been updated to reflect it."

"Then it's probably best to present ourselves as friends and allies," replied Izuku. "I also don't care about the opinions of a bunch of profligate crotch spawn, but it's better to avoid trouble and conflicts when possible."


Raising her gaze to the somewhat cloudy skies above, Historia surprised Izuku by responding, "I can't agree with you on that. While peace is good for the people, those who stand above them, either by birthright or virtue of their abilities, have a duty to fight. People like Roman can only be dealt with using force, so if he says or does something to offend, don't hesitate to throw your glove in his face. He will invariably try to retaliate, but when diplomacy and decorum fail, might makes right. Both in the real world and here at the Academy."

"Then I'll leave the decision to you and Rebecca," replied Izuku, smiling as he added, "After all, I'm not even remotely ashamed to have two more cute girls to call my own."

"Yeah, let's not..." appended Rebecca, scratching her cheek and smiling awkwardly. Her family was pretty well off, but they were nowhere near as affluent as the families of some Knight Course students. Without Historia and the implied backing of the Pendragon Family, she would definitely be bullied and taken advantage of. Thus, she would prefer not to give them a pretense to set aside their apprehension and begin suppressing her family and their businesses.

"I understand," replied Historia, nodding affirmingly. She was well aware of Rebecca's circumstances, which were one of the principal reasons she suggested keeping things a secret, so she had no problem remaining low-key until their relationship with Izuku had solidified. Once he proferred the money he promised or they were officially engaged, Historia would readily beat anyone that attempted to meddle where they didn't belong...




Reaching the amphitheater twenty-two minutes early, Izuku noticed that fewer than half the Knight Course students wore their uniforms. Most had on their Hero Costumes or the specialized Artefacts they had acquired in the breaches. This gave the class a somewhat discordant look, but Izuku found it rather novel since they looked like a crowd gathering for a fantasy convention. As for their Levels, most were in their mid to late forties, while those making up the 'core' of Roman's group were between Levels 50 and 55.


Name: [Roman Alexander Acton]

Title: Manifold Manipulator(Int+20, Dex+50)

Quirk: Octopus

Bond Leve: 21

Current Level: 60

Effective Level: 95


Strength: 83

Agility: 85

Vitality: 297

Intelligence: 141

Dexterity: 250

Luck: 95

Free Attributes: 115


[Lesser Regeneration], [Discerning Eye], [Mana Detection]


[Read], [Tentacle Slap], [Tentacle Beam], [Crush]


'Wow, someone's balls dropped...' mused Izuku, genuinely surprised by Roman's growth despite knowing the pink-haired profligate had used his cronies to funnel experience into himself. He had nothing against a person using the resources available to them, so if Roman's 'friends' were willing to prop him up with the tips of their noses, he had nothing to say.

Contrasting Izuku taking things in stride, Roman's brows furrowed when he realized he couldn't see the former's Status Board. Well, he could, but it just displayed countless question marks. The same happened when he tried to peep at Momo's, Historia's, and Rebecca's statuses, so the glee he came into class with dissipated like hot air on a cool Autumn morning, replaced by contemplative displeasure.

Adding insult to injury, Izuku, after reaching the larger group of students, didn't hesitate to openly remark, "Wow, Level 60 already? And your stats have at least doubled since the last time I saw them. As expected of the 'heir-apparent' to the Acton Foundation."

Though he wasn't surprised that Izuku possessed the Read Skill, Roman didn't appreciate having his Level exposed. He was dismissively bragging about it mere moments prior, but since Izuku regarded what should have been one of the highest Levels in the class with the same tone as an adult praising a Primary Schooler, Roman felt as if he had received a slap to the face.

Thinking quickly, aided by his nearly doubled Intelligence, Roman replied, "Yes, my Level is 60. Though, now that you've brought it up, I believe it's only proper that Sir Midoriya discloses his own."

"Eh, it's just a number," said Izuku, shrugging. However, despite saying it was just a number, he didn't disclose it. This was a fairly blatant faux pas, but since Historia's words on the way over had resonated with him, Izuku had no qualms about 'subtly' slighting the proud youth.

"How tasteless..." muttered Roman, passing his gaze over Momo before settling on Historia as he remarked, "It's not my place to determine who Lady Pendragon should associate with, but your manners and reputation may diminish if you consort with the tactless and obtuse..."

"Then I suppose this is the last we'll be speaking to one another," replied Historia, her smile exuding a friendly radiance that could contend with the Sun. The disparity between her words and expression left Roman feeling genuinely confused, but his brain eventually pieced together that she was effectively telling him that he could fuck off, just far more 'tactfully.'

Closing his eyes, Roman inhaled a steadying breath through his nose. His 'instinct' was to backhand Historia or challenge her to a duel, but while his Level and parameters had increased substantially, he wasn't confident he could win. Historia was a monster even before the breaches appeared, so after forcibly composing himself, Roman opened his eyes, turned to one of his cronies, and began making polite conversation as if Izuku, Historia, Momo, and Rebecca had become air. At least, that's what he attempted to do before Izuku turned to Historia and softly mused, "I didn't know Octopi had tails to tuck between their legs..."




(A/N: And thus, war was declared (O w O)...)