Chapter 166

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Nero, a foolish emperor but a great waifu, umu. Also, they are the last in the queue, so please consider joining my Patreon for 20+ bonus chapters and more public releases~!)




After fooling around with Rebecca and giving her a thorough cleaning in the bath, Izuku left her to rest as he made his way up to the top floor to grab a bite to eat. Nemuri emerged from her room and intercepted him in little more than a baggy shirt and fluffy pink slippers as he passed, so the two made their way to the kitchen together. There, Nemuri volunteered to prepare the meal, but when Izuku discovered that she wasn't wearing any panties, he propped her right leg up onto the counter and fucked her from behind before having her clean his dick and attend to the mess they made while he prepared three separate pots of rice, some deep fried tofu, and a healthy mix of vegetables.

"Oh? Are you making Inarizushi?" asked Nemuri, sneaking up from behind Izuku, wrapping her arms around him, and resting her chin on his shoulder as she looked over it to see what he was making.

"That's right," replied Izuku, further commenting, "I don't mind you girls preparing my meals, but it's good to practice on my own now and again. You should take it easy till I'm finished."

"I don't need convincing~" mused Nemuri, kissing Izuku's cheek before releasing him and walking away with her arms overhead, stretching her body in a way that caused her shirt to rise, exposing her immaculate ass and still-glistening thighs. Izuku caught a glimpse of both as he glanced back over his shoulder but didn't gawk as he didn't want to over-fry the tofu, and nothing prevented him from seeing it whenever he pleased...




Entering the dining room to find Nemuri sitting atop Izuku's lap, her arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders as he fed her Inarizushi from his mouth, Momo attempted to excuse herself before her raven-haired sensei called out to her, saying, "There's food in the kitchen. Izuku-kun's the one who prepared it, so if you enjoy it, be sure to thank him later~."

Since she apparently wasn't intruding, Momo adopted her usual smile and smoothly replied, "I'm looking forward to both," before making her way to the kitchen with a bit of pep in her step. If Izuku was doing something as 'brazen' as having sex in the middle of the dining room, odds were he was in one of his active periods. That meant they would likely be spending the day on the eleventh floor, alternating between using the spa facilities and having sex throughout the day.

"Do you think she noticed...?" asked Izuku, feigning concern even though he knew the answer. In response, Nemuri exhaled a throaty chuckle, her pussy tightening as she leaned forward to answer him with a kiss. It might look like she was simply sitting in his lap at a glance, but as that would be a tremendous waste, she had Izuku's cock inside her, gently grinding and stimulating his dick as they satisfied more than just physical appetites...




With Nemuri having informed him of Nezu's plan to expand his Party as much as possible upon his return to Japan, Izuku spent much of the day practicing his massage techniques on Nemuri, Momo, and, once Rebecca had recovered, her, and Historia. Then, just to be fair, he paid Mei a visit on the seventh floor, affording her a similar service before forcing her to take a break by cuddling with her atop the messy bed she had set up to spare her from having to return to her room for rest. It smelled heavily of grease, but Izuku didn't particularly mind it as he held the salmon-haired girl, preventing her from escaping until she relented and took a four-hour nap...




After napping for much of the afternoon, Izuku was awake, relaxing in bed with Momo snuggled up beside him and sleeping when the group chat became active. It was Sunday, meaning they had the day off, so the girls were planning to, curiously enough, gather at his house and relax in his room. They had access to the various facilities Nezu had prepared for them at the dorm, but they seemed to prefer the comparable coziness of his old room, spending time with Inko and Melissa and doting on Eri.

Feeling a pleasant warmth fill his chest, compelling him to smile, Izuku thought to himself, 'I really need to get stronger...' so he could protect the ever-growing number of people he cared about. His Level had increased to 84 after clearing the most recent A-Rank breach, but he couldn't help feeling that his growth had stagnated since he had yet to awaken any of his inherited Quirks after Black Whip.

Staring at the sleeping face of Momo, who was also Level 84, a faint sigh escaped Izuku's nose as he knew it was his desire to fight alongside and support the people around him that was preventing him from reaching his full potential. That was fine for the time being, but with AFO and Shigaraki still at large, undoubtedly growing stronger in the shadows, he needed at least Float to face them head-on. If Shigaraki awakened and ran rampant as he had in the videos Izuku, then David had seen in his previous life, he, and everyone stuck on the ground, would be reduced to dust with a single mishap...

Closing his eyes, Izuku asked himself, 'Should I stop playing it safe and try to take on Wilnas early...?'

Though the breach Wilnas occupied was only A-Rank, the fact that none of the people who ventured inside could Read his Status implied he was far beyond Level 100. However, as Izuku could comfortably maintain an Effective Level nearing 1,400 now, increasing to more than 180,000 for a split second, he was 'reasonably' confident he could defeat anything that might appear naturally within the breaches.

'Maybe I should start a breach-clearing vigilante arc..." Izuku considered. He knew for a fact that Toshinori would do the same in his situation, so it wasn't completely out of the question. The problem with that was that he would invariably piss many people off and deny others the chance to use the breaches to develop their power. Most current breaches were trials created by Telania to help humanity prepare for the Convergence, so if he shut them down arbitrarily, they would have fewer stop-gap forces when the real invasion started.

'Then I just need to target the highest-ranked breaches and leave those I can no longer enter to others...' Izuku concluded, opening his eyes to read the group chat. Little time had passed since he last perused it, but seeing the girls cheerfully plotting out their day, making jokes, and even playfully flirting reinforced the sentiment he 'needed' to protect the happiness they had found and promised to maintain together...




After asking everyone to meet for breakfast, Izuku waited until they were nearing the end of the meal before revealing, "Staring tomorrow, I'm going to start entering certain breaches on my own."

Contrasting Izuku's expectations, at least partly, none of the girls reacted adversely to the news. Instead, Nemuri immediately responded, "I figured it was about time your patience ran thin. You are the 'main character,' after all. I'm truthfully surprised it's taken you this long."

Though she nodded affirmingly, Historia tacked on, "I would prefer it if we continued entering breaches together, but it's important to follow the path that calls to you. Just bear in mind that the most sacrosanct duty of those who venture out in search of honor, glory, and purpose is to return to their roots and the people who cherish them. Preferably in one piece, but if not, all the wiser for the parts they lost along the way."

"I've never heard that before..." remarked Izuku, discarding his serious countenance for a smile as he added, "But I'll be sure to keep it in mind. Thanks for understanding."

"Do you already have a breach in mind?" asked Nemuri, fairly certain she already knew the answer.

Confirming Nemuri's suspicions, Izuku replied, "I'm going to enter the Vermillion Palace and challenge the Lord of Vermillion, Wilnas. There's a good chance he has knowledge of what's to come or direct ties with one of the entities seeking to conquer our world, so I'm going to see if I can't get him to spill the beans."

Sighing in exasperation, drawing everyone's gazes to her, Historia puffed her cheeks and poutily remarked, "I would have liked to accompany you, but the Vermillion Palace is one of the few places my father prohibited me from entering..."

"Well, I'll be sure to regale you when I return," Izuku replied, reaching out to caress Historia's head as she was seated to his right. Then, for the rest of the day, he spent time with her, Momo, and Rebecca, the four of them watching an entire season of anime, working out, relaxing in the bath, and eventually sleeping together...




Waiting for Izuku in the hallway when he awoke the next morning to make everyone pancakes, Nemuri, wearing a frilly black thong, one of his shirts, and standing with her arms crossed, asked, "Have you let Toshinori know of your intentions...?"

"Of course," replied Izuku, approaching the beautiful woman to kiss and gently squeeze her butt with his left hand before pulling away to add, "I spoke with the Principal as well. Both fully support my decision, and Toshi plans to run over with me when I'm ready to leave."

Raising her brows as she leaned into Izuku, pressing her breasts against him, Nemuri asked, "You're planning to run there directly?"

"Fly, actually..." replied Izuku, picking Nemuri up by squeezing her ass as he explained, "I told Mei and Melissa I would use this as an opportunity to stress test the Sky Regalia. With my current Strength and Agility, I should be able to accelerate up to Mach two."

"Just be careful you don't split my ass apart, strong boy..." mused Nemuri, feeling more excited than concerned by the notion that Izuku could quite literally tear her to pieces. Fortunately, Izuku had noticed her waiting and left his room early, so they had twenty minutes of additional time if she wanted to retreat to her room to have sex. Instead, as Nemuri had a bit of an exposure fetish, they did it right there in the hallway...




"Do you have everything you need...?" asked Toshinori, waiting for Izuku outside the Compound with crossed arms and a hint of trepidation in his inordinately blue eyes. He knew Izuku needed to spread his wings and fly uninhibited to reach his full potential, but just as the former hated having to sit back and watch others, Toshinori felt uncomfortable knowing all he could do for his young protege was trust that he knew what he was doing. That, and living in the on-campus staff housing to ensure no inadvertently awkward situations occurred...

"I have much more," replied Izuku, extending his hand to bump fists with his predecessor and 'supplemental' mentor.

Exhaling a defeated sigh, Toshinori reciprocated the gesture before he and Izuku took to the sky. It felt refreshing for both of them to be able to soar through the sky together, and since Izuku was still unfamiliar with air travel across vast distances, Toshinori was able to provide a few pointers that made the experience all the more satisfying. Izuku could have done without the 'innumerable' bugs that smacked into him, but once he got up to speed, that was no longer an issue as a higher-pressure cone naturally formed in front of him, creating a veil of sorts that redirected most smaller insects around him. A few still got through, but with Black Whip protecting his face, it wasn't too bad...




(A/N: Izuku is the kind of guy to Level to 99 in a four-disc RPG before he finishes the first disc xD...)