Chapter 170

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Abdullah_Kahn. KAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN-!)




[October 20th, 2149]

With the Academy telling them to report to the amphitheater by 1 PM, Izuku, Momo, Historia, and Rebecca enjoyed lunch at a cafe on campus before making their way over. Along the way, several groups of students eyed them with caution and spoke in hushed voices. Fortunately, thanks to his [Keen Senses], Izuku didn't have to guess to know what they were talking about.

"It appears people have already begun to speculate that we're engaged," Izuku remarked casually, causing Historia's smile to brighten. No official announcement had been made, but rumors circulated quickly since most of the students attending the Academy were members of families at least tangentially connected to the Pendragon family's social network.

"That's not all they're talking about..." remarked Rebecca, wearing a half-lidded expression as she stared up at Izuku and stated, "They're saying you're the reason for Roman's expulsion and the spontaneous collapse of the Acton Foundation."

Shrugging without care, Izuku casually asserted, "I don't use my power and connections to suppress people arbitrarily. Roman was twisted, and his parents were responsible for enabling him. Had they been stricter or forced him to face the consequences of his actions, Alissa wouldn't have had to suffer, and his path in life would have been smoother than his tako brain."

Though she sighed and shook her head in response to Izuku's words, Rebecca was more 'relieved' than bothered by what happened to Roman. Izuku had apprised them of the situation regarding the Convergence, All-for-One, and his status as Telania's Champion, but she was still at least a little worried that Roman and his cronies would persuade their families to harass or suppress her family's businesses. Now, unless they wanted to invite the hammer that was Nezu onto their heads, they wouldn't dare to act out or draw attention to themselves. Not for a while, at least...




Arriving at the amphitheater a few minutes after they departed the cafe, Izuku and co noticed that while there were only a few minutes left until the assemblage was scheduled to begin, less than two-thirds of the usual students were present. More accurately, those comprising Roman's group were absent, the result of their families pulling them out of the course for fear of their children being implicated.

Noticing the arrival of Izuku's group, the hawk-like youth, Timothy, now Level 53, raised his hand and smiled in greeting. Most of the other Knight Course students tensed and fell silent upon their arrival, but Timothy, his eye-popping friend, and their Maids were in comparatively high spirits as they no longer had to worry about being ostracized or ridiculed by Roman and his cronies.

Deciding to do Timothy a favor, Izuku approached the hawk-eyed youth and extended his hand for a handshake, smiling as he remarked, "You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you. Not as much as some, but it's clear you've made an effort this past month."

Reciprocating Izuku's handshake, Timothy's smile broadened as he revealed, "I could have gotten even stronger, but it turns out that my and Joseph's Quirks are well-suited to exploring Labyrinths and Ancient Ruins. We spent much of the last month assisting the Royal Engineering Corps in conducting surveys and securing powerful Artefacts for the Crown."

"That should have earned you a considerable amount of merits," noted Izuku, referring to the point system the Knight Course used to evaluate and rank students based on their contributions to the nation and British society. He didn't pay much attention to it, as he was exempted from the Academy's general student ranking system, but the other Knight Course students had spent the past month fighting tooth and nail to preserve or improve their standing.

Nodding affirmingly, Timothy earned himself a number of annoyed looks and soft curses by happily responding, "Indeed it did. Enough to improve my Rank from 47th to 39th among the entire student body."

Though 39th might not sound like a lot, there were a total of 993 students attending the Royal Academy, each vying to improve their standing. Even compared to UA, it was a highly competitive environment, so Timothy had every right to feel proud of his achievement of improving his Rank by eight positions in a single month.

"Well, congratulations," said Izuku, retracting his hand as he added, "Just make sure not to neglect your growth. Helping to secure Artefacts for the Crown is an act befitting a Noble, but with the number and danger level of breaches growing with each passing day, it's essential to remain ahead of the curve."

"I'll keep that in mind," replied Timothy. Then, as he had neglected to do so previously, Timothy apologized before officially introducing himself, his eye-popping friend, Joseph, and their attendants, Jenny and Elizabeth. In response, Izuku's group reciprocated the courtesy, segueing into a polite, keenly eavesdropped conversation until Henry arrived and Toshinori made one of his characteristically grand entrances. A few minutes later, Historia made waves by being vested the honorary/extant title of a Viscountess by Royal Decree and placed in charge of the newly instituted 'Junior Chivalric Order of the Round Table,' granting her exclusive authority over the Knight Course, its supervisors, and students from that moment onward...




[Within Izuku's Room at the Shield Compound]

"Are...are you certain...?" asked Historia, her expression fixed in disbelief as she reacted to the news that ownership of the Shield Compound had been transferred to her, specifically for use by the Junior Chivalric Order of the Round Table.

"So long as you don't mind my Sensei keeping tabs on the Round Table's activities," replied Izuku, smiling as he planted a fleeting kiss on Historia's lips and added, "Within reason, of course."

Though she was still reeling from the revelation, Historia didn't hesitate to respond, "Of course," before crawling up Izuku's body and giving him a far more passionate kiss. She knew from Izuku that Nezu was an exceedingly cautious individual. More importantly, he was someone that Izuku trusted even more than himself, so Historia elected to believe that Nezu wouldn't misuse the information he attained but use it to keep their more ambitious and opportunistic members 'honest.'

"Then, are you planning to return to Japan...?" asked Rebecca, sitting atop Izuku's shin and periodically grinding against it.

"Our original timetable had breaches appearing in Japan late this year or early next. Now, they could appear at any moment," replied Izuku, slipping his left hand into Historia's somewhat plain white panties from behind and sinking his middle finger into her pressurized furnace as he contended, "I need to take care of a few things before my encounter with the Water and Darkness Dragons, Wamdus and Fediel."

"In other words, you want to fool around and spend some time with the other members of your harem before risking your life," teased Rebecca, sliding her pussy along the ridge of Izuku's shin as she felt increasingly turned on at the sight of him fingering the panting Historia.

"I'm definitely looking forward to my homecoming..." conceded Izuku, raising his leg until Rebecca's knees barely reached the bed. It hadn't been that long since he left Japan, but even though he was rarely alone, he felt he was missing out on important moments of his and the girls' lives by only seeing and interacting with them through his phone, webcam, and occasionally using the hard-light sim.

"Yeah, yeah...just don't devolve into an animal and forget about us when you reunite with your 'favorite' bunny girl..." countered Rebecca, grasping Izuku's leg and intensifying her movements. In response, Izuku raised his foot abruptly, startling and sending the petite Tinkerer flailing into the air before extending Black Whip to suspend her upside down and draw her in for a kiss...




[October 22nd, 2149]

As it was too dangerous for him to take a commercial flight over Russia and China when they were conspiring to kill him, Izuku's flight to Japan followed the 'scenic' route westward, making stopovers in New York and Anchorage before touching down at his penultimate destination, Shizuoka International Airport. From there, he climbed into the back of an armored, Bentley-like car, courtesy of Momo's Grandfather.

"Is this really Japan? I recognize a bunch of these stores and restaurants, and there are just as many English signs as Japanese," said a slender, snappily-dressed woman with distinctive lupine features, punctuating her remark by sipping a vanilla frappuccino.

"Even before the Quirk Wars, Japan was on the cusp of making English a secondary language. Now, it's compulsory to learn it from elementary to middle school," revealed Nemuri, wearing casual, inconspicuous clothing that included a fluffy black hat, a baggy sweater dress, and a parka-style jacket.

"Well, that sure is convenient..." muttered the lupine woman, Luna, feeling more at ease knowing she and her family wouldn't be completely helpless if they decided to emigrate to Japan. She was practicing Japanese daily with the girls from the group chat, primarily Tsuyu and Ochaco, but even with her boosted Intelligence, it was challenging learning a third language when she wasn't even fluent in her native tongue.

"Don't worry," said Nemuri, suppressing the urge to hug and cuddle Luna as she smilingly explained, "Since English proficiency is required to enter the World Hero Association as a marketing specialist or data analyst, most of our Business Course classes are conducted in English. And since you're entering UA as an Assistant Instructor, you won't be expected to lead any classes directly."

"Thanks, that makes me feel less anxious..." said Luna, but her awkward smile implied otherwise. Fortunately, Izuku was sitting to her left, holding her hand from his position between her and Momo.

"It'll be okay," assured Izuku, caressing Luna's hand with his thumb as he softly appended, "I can't say Japan lacks a stigma against Heteromorphs, but it's nowhere near as pronounced as it is in the States. If anyone gives you shit, feel free to give them a piece of your mind. If you'd prefer not to, I'll happily teach them a lesson in your stead..."

"My, how reliable..." whispered Luna, bringing her snout to Izuku's neck and giving him a series of licks that caused his bulge to rapidly develop into a tent. Luna noticed this, and while she was a bit apprehensive about behaving libidinously in front of Nemuri and Momo, she convinced herself the spiky, raven-haired duo were 'basically' her sisters. As such, she only hesitated briefly before placing her half-emptied frappuccino in the door's cupholder and using her slightly chilled hand to caress his cock. She was a little surprised when Momo joined her and began making out with Izuku, but that only made her want to compete for his affection as she did when he met up with her and her sisters in the airport's hotel...




'This is definitely where I belong...' thought Izuku, alternating between making out with Toga to his left and Ochaco to his right. At the same time, Tsuyu reclined against him with her legs drawn into an effortless M-pose while Toru bounced enthusiastically atop his dick. Completing the setup, Mina was having fun fucking Toru's ass with a strap-on while her lube-like acid flowed around them as a thick, incredibly warm current. Only Kyoka and Momo were missing from the arrangement of 1-A girls, but the former wasn't 'absent' so much as she was waiting for him to come by Melissa's room so she could help 'tune' his Sky Regalia. 

Tuning was the process of calibrating the Reglia to a specific user, and since it required listening to the sounds of both the AT and its user, Kyoka was inordinately suited to the role of becoming the first and all-important 'Pledge Queen' alongside Melissa. Thus, once Izuku finished 'celebrating' his reunion with the 1-A girls, followed by a protracted bath, he made his way to Melissa's room to unwind with Kyoka lying atop him in a nanomesh suit that was even thinner than human skin. Then, as she relayed a series of values that only made sense to her and Melissa, the Sky Regalia slowly began to feel like a part of him as Izuku invariably dozed off to the feeling of Kyoka's heart synchronizing with his own...




(A/N: And then he wakes up inside of Inko xD...)