Chapter 193

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Adhem Morsi. Also, in an effort to bolster my spirits, I started writing a separate fanfic called Beta Testing the Apocalypse. All the chapters are publically available on my Patreon, so feel free to check it out. Spoiler, the primary heroine is Mordred from the Fate franchise.)




"This is dumb..." muttered Kaina, seated atop Izuku's lap with her head against his shoulder as he gently caressed her back.

"Maybe..." replied Izuku. "But you just spent the past seventeen years in prison. Now that your youth has been restored, you should cherish your body more. If you still want to give me your virginity after you've come to trust me, I'll be more than happy to receive it..."


'What a sentimental idiot...' thought Kaina. However, as she couldn't even recall the last time she received a hug, she closed her eyes and let Izuku do as he pleased.

Seeing Kaina's sub-neutral Bond Level gradually level out at 50, a faint smile developed across Izuku's face. Had she appeared before him as a MILF, he might not have hesitated to bed her. Since Nezu had seen fit to restore her appearance to the time she was a student, however, he felt it would be wrong to claim her virginity recklessly. She needed a therapist more than she needed his dick, so until she felt like giving herself to him of her own accord, Izuku decided to focus on making her comfortable...





Though he had set aside his phone to let Kaina sleep peacefully, Izuku picked it up the moment he felt it vibrate. The subtle movement ordinarily would have been more than enough to awaken the professionally trained assassin, but since she had acclimated to his persistent caress, she didn't react.

Opening his messages to find that he had received a reply from Ryuko, a faint smile developed across Izuku's face as she responded with a curt but meaningful, 'I want to meet.' He had previously warned her that if they met and she asked him to console her, he would never let her go. Thus, by saying she wanted to meet, Ryuko was tacitly expressing that she wished to become his.

Sensing a change in Izuku's body temperature, noticing his pulse begin to quicken, and feeling a subtle 'shift' where their crotches coincided, Kaina, without opening her eyes or noticeably stirring, flatly inquired, "Did one of your many women message you for a booty call...?"

"Something like that..." replied Izuku, simultaneously texting Ryuko to fill her belly and get some rest. Then, if she still felt the same way after she awoke, he would rush over, regardless of the time. From that moment on, she would be his.

Though Ryuko didn't immediately respond to his text, that could be seen as a positive since it suggested she was deliberating his words carefully. Thus, if or when she provided her response, her answer wouldn't be spur-of-the-moment but something she had considered the consequences of.

Setting aside his phone, Izku was going to run his fingers through Kaina's hair when she sat up straight, weighing down his bulge as she said, "Let's wrap this up. I don't want to be here when your mother or someone else arrives..." in a cold monotone.

Punctuating her words, Kaina surprised Izuku by grabbing the sides of his face and abruptly kissing him. He could have stopped her, but since it was something she had taken the initiative to do, he grabbed her waist and let her make out with him for a few minutes. When they were done, her Bond Level had risen to 57 from 54, so while she was far from caring for him, it was apparent that Kaina wasn't nearly as detached from her emotions as her expression suggested...




"Honey, I'm home~!" exclaimed Inko, knowing that Izuku was present since she could see his proximity marker. In response, Izuku emerged from his room, meeting Inko's gaze with a smile and replying, "Welcome back," before shifting his focus to the person who entered alongside her, remarking, "And I see you've brought a friend..."

Unable to meet Izuku's gaze, Inko's 'friend,' Hanako, nervously averted her eyes and explained, "Midori-san invited me over for dinner. I...I also learned what Rumi meant by, uhm...collecting samples..."

'November 12th is officially my lucky day,' thought Izuku, smiling as he teased, "For someone as cute as you, I can provide infinite. Just let me know when, where, and how you want to...extract them."

Interjecting before Hanako could respond, Inko effectively threw her to the wolves by musing, "Then you two head up to your room and have fun. I'll get started on a braised pork belly, so you'll have about two and a half hours before you need to wash up and head down."

"T-Two and a half hours!?" repeated Hanako, her large eyes widening in disbelief as her voice raised a full octave. Due to the disparities in their sizes, she was planning to let Izuku ogle her body and collect his 'sample' in a cup. She didn't mind doing more, such as using her hands, but a time frame of two and a half hours indicated they would be doing much, much more...

"Only if you're willing," replied Izuku, casually sliding down the handrail of the stairs and landing in front of the two beauties. Hanako appeared even taller than when he saw her in the examination room, but as he had fooled around with Yu at similar sizes, Izuku was confident the foxy half-giantess would be putty in his hands if she permitted it. Before that, he pulled Inko into a hug, gave her a lengthy kiss, cupped her ass, and saw her off with a light smack to the tooshie.

Witnessing Izuku's actions and seeing his unfettered confidence, Hanako got the distinct impression she was getting in over her head. However, as most of the guys around her height had even more inhuman appearances than hers, it was rare for Hanako to meet a handsome boy who didn't view her with the same fascination a child might show at the zoo.

Placing her index finger into Izuku's outstretched hand, Hanako replied with a meek, "I...I'd like to try..."

"Trust me," said Izuku, gently pulling and guiding Hanako up the stairs as he teasingly asserted, "I've never left a woman feeling underappreciated or dissatisfied in the bedroom..."




"Are...are you sure about this...?" asked Hanako, nervous as she prepared to sit on Izuku's face, her massive green ass and seemingly pristine beige mons on full display.

"Absolutely," replied Izuku, prompting Hanako to carefully lower her hips, his hands sinking into the flesh of her toned but pliant ass cheeks as she entrusted her weight to him. He had absolutely no issues supporting her, but with a slit big enough that he could bury his face into it, Izuku had his work cut out for him as he began eating Hanako out, aided by Blackwhip.

Though Izuku's ministrations felt strange and somewhat ticklish at first, Hanako quickly grasped that he knew what he was doing when he used Blackwhip to spread her pussy, stimulate her insides, and suckle her clit. He also didn't seem to have any trouble supporting her, so she gradually allowed the tension to escape her body while pressing her hands to his abdomen. Each of her hands was large enough to cover his stomach, but because of how firm and toned his muscles were, she didn't feel like she was crushing him as she stared at his cock, finding it disproportionately large for his body but somewhat...inadequate for her purposes...

Not wanting to hurt Izuku's feelings, Hanako silently adjusted her weight before demonstrating her inordinate flexibility. Like many Heteromorphs, Hanako could 'clean' herself if she felt so inclined, so she had no trouble bending down, sucking, and lapping at Izuku's cock while grasping and wrapping her hands around more than half the total circumference of his thighs, her massive breasts enveloping his abdomen like a heavy, heated blanket.

'She's pretty proactive...' Izuku noted, deciding to get a bit 'serious' now that he knew Hanako wasn't sheepish in the bedroom. He had to expend yet another Re-roll, but with 77 in reserve, he wasn't too concerned with running out.

Feeling Izuku's cock swell to fill her mouth and his thighs expand to the point she could barely contain them, Hanako promptly sat up in confusion. Before she could fully make sense of the situation, however, Izuku picked her up, surprising her immensely as he casually reseated her on his cock, causing a jolt similar to an electrical shock to shoot through her body.

"Wha...what is this...?" asked Hanako, her voice tinged with pleasure as she squinted her left eye and bit her lip.

"This is Pump Up and a bit of something extra..." replied Izuku, grasping Hanako's waist and bucking his hips with a bit of force, compelling her to close her eyes and lean her head back as a sonorous groan escaped her throat. Izuku would pay for it later, but by using the power of One-for-All to empower his [Pump Up] Quirk, his height had temporarily increased to 243.2cm, nearly a head taller than even Toshinori. More importantly, by channeling Mana into his cock, he could further increase its size from its original 25.6cm to a borderline monstrous 57.5. And with a thickness twice the average person's wrist, Hanako certainly wasn't left 'wanting.'

"It's's hitting my deepest parts~!" exclaimed Hanako, smiling with her mouth open and tongue slightly extended. She had many, many questions about Izuku's sudden transformation and the electrical feeling spreading through her body and giving her waves of goosebumps, but all of that could wait. It had been 'a while' since she last got taken for a ride, so she intended to enjoy it while it lasted...




*tok* *tok* *tok*

Though he could barely hear it over the sound of his hips smacking against the half-conscious Hanako's ass, sending ripples through her entire body as she lay face down in his favorite top-down-bottom-up pose, Izuku's ears perked at the sound of someone knocking on his bedroom door.

'Has it already been two and a half hours...?' Izuku asked himself, steam exuding from his pores as he visibly deflated, allowing Hanako to roll on her side as he picked up his phone and made his way to the door naked. According to the time, they were halfway through their second hour, so Izuku was a little confused until he opened the door to find Inko standing outside, her gaze instinctively lowering to his cock as she revealed, "You have a visitor..." in a hushed tone.

Instead of asking who the visitor was, Izuku looked around for additional proximity markers, blinking in surprise when he saw the Name, Title, and Level of Bakugo in what he presumed to be the dining room. Fortunately, Hanako wasn't yet in the Party. It ultimately didn't matter, but it would be significantly less awkward for both of them if Bakugo weren't aware of the fact he had intruded on him mid-fuckathon.

"Tell him I'm finishing up something and will be down in a few minutes," whispered Izuku, interrupting Inko's response by covering most of his body with Blackwhip and pulling her into his embrace for a deep, forceful kiss. He didn't want her smelling like sex when she returned to the dining room, but he couldn't just ignore the hungry look in her eyes. Thus, after proding her pussy through the fabric of her dress for a short while, he let her go and promised, "If nothing else comes up, I'm going to destroy you later tonight..."

Swallowing Izuku's and her own saliva, Inko replied, "Just be mindful of the baby..." before giving him one final kiss and pushing him back into his room so she could compose herself before heading downstairs. Hanako was softly laughing with an ahegao face when Izuku returned to her, but even though she was completely limp, he had no trouble carrying her to the bath, setting her in the tub, and sitting in between her legs before he turned on the water and used her body as a remarkably soft recliner...




(A/N: Big unga bunga energy this chapter...)