Chapter 195

(A/N: This chapter was made available by Siddarth Ravi. Enjoy.)




Arriving at the roof of the building across from the Ryukyu Agency, what looked like a six-story office building with a brown facade and massive billboard depicting Ryuko advertising her stylish clothing line, Dragoir, Izuku pulled out his phone to inform the aforementioned dragoness that he had arrived. In response, he could see Ryuko's proximity marker make its way to the roof, followed by her emerging in a dark red hoodie over a vanilla-colored sweater, a pair of grey jeans, and dark red boots.

Spotting Izuku immediately, Ryuko smiled nervously and raised her right hand timidly. She didn't even have the usual metal claws that covered the right side of her face, instead allowing her bangs to serve the same thing, so she was almost like a completely different person.

Hopping between the two buildings with ease, even though they were separated by a four-lane street, Izuku smoothly approached Ryuko, and instead of greeting her with words, hefted her by her ass and kissed her. His actions more than startled her, but after her initial panic settled, she opened her mouth, and the two made out for a short while, Izuku tracing her inordinately sharp teeth with his tongue before setting her down and whispering, "I've dreamed about making you mine even before I gave you a massage, but I'll give you one more chance to change your mind..."

"I really wish you wouldn't tease me..." muttered Ryuko, sporting a slight pout until Izuku squeezed her ass, picked her up, and rewarded her with another long kiss. Afterward, as Ryuko felt it might cause some problems if they had sex at her Agency and a major incident occurred, Izuku carried her from rooftop to rooftop in a bridal carry until they reached a high-end love hotel known for its discretion...




While Ryuko took a shower and prepared herself, Izuku relaxed atop a nearly 3x3m bed covered in a velvety, maroon-colored blanket, satiny sheets, and sixteen pillows of varying degrees of softness. To pass the time, as Ryuko insisted on showering alone, he thumbed through a tablet that came with the room, perusing various food, drink, costume options, and even escort services.

Unsurprisingly, the costume options included the costumes of various Pro Heroines, including Ryuko's. Izuku was tempted to prank her by ordering said costume, but he settled on sparkling cider and a platter of fried sushi rolls. Fortunately, the platter they arrived on was heated as it took Ryuko well over an hour to sheepishly emerge from the bathroom wearing black-lace panties and a bra.

"Sorry that I took so long..." muttered Ryuko, her slit pupils contracting as she saw Izuku lying atop the bed with his hands behind his head, pitching a substantial tent beneath nothing but a towel.

Instead of telling Ryuko she didn't need to apologize, Izuku opened his eyes, smiling as he replied, "No worries. I know you'll make it up to me. Now, are you going to bring me that ass, or do I have to come and grab it myself...?"

Exuding massive masochistic energy, Ryuko approached the bed from its end and crawled toward him on all fours. She momentarily stopped when her face reached his crotch, but Izuku stopped her from jumping the gun by removing his hands from behind his head and gesturing for her to keep crawling so he could fondle her incredibly toned ass as they spent several long minutes kissing. Izuku got the impression that Ryuko wanted him to 'destroy' her to relieve the heartbreak she was undoubtedly still enduring, but there was an order to everything. Ryuko wanted him to push her down and ravish her of his own accord, but until she begged him to proceed or took the initiative herself, Izuku intended to shower her with as much love and tenderness as he could muster...infinitely less than she deserved but more than she felt entitled to...




[Two Hours Later]

Seated between Izuku's legs, his calves splaying hers apart, Ryuko's face was completely red, her voluptuous body covered in a thick layer of sweat as she stared at the fingers loudly sliding in and out of her slightly swollen pussy with a borderline 'primal' desire in her golden eyes. She felt like she was on the verge of losing her mind, but since she had never experienced such 'thorough' care and was anxious about crossing the final hurdle, she endured Izuku's ceaseless ministrations until her pussy and legs trembled with each of his movements.

"That...that's enough..." mewled Ryuko, her speech tinged with passion as she panted, "I can't...I can't take it anymore. I need you inside me..."

"Then bend over and present yourself like a good little dragon," whispered Izuku, his deep, sensual tone causing Ryuko to tense, her pussy clamping around his fingers like a vice. Then, though her brain and body felt heavy and sluggish, Ryuko leaned forward, losing her balance and inadvertently faceplanting into the bed before adjusting her position so she could stare back as she spread her visibly pulsating pussy, causing Izuku's pupils to dilate as she beseeched, "Please...please shove your massive my lewd dragon pussy..."

"Gladly," replied Izuku, positioning himself behind Ryuko and guiding his glans to her much hotter-than-average entrance. Her internal temperature was at least 50°C, but that wasn't enough to cow him as he asserted, "All you ever had to do was ask..." before sinking his cock into her fiery pussy to its hilt.

"HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG~!" groaned Ryuko, her entire body tensing and spasming from the intense pleasure. She nearly gave herself an aneurysm due to her momentary inability to let her voice out, but Izuku immediately intervened, leaning over her, placing his hand on her throat, and forcing her to tilt her head back as he shoved his fingers into her mouth without fear of her fang-like teeth. She bit down on them hard, but because of his inordinate durability, [Bronze Skin], and stacking regeneration Perks, most of the damage her inordinately sharp teeth inflicted was mended as soon as she slackened her jaw. The moment she swallowed his blood, however, something happened...

'What the-"

Before Izuku could finish his thought, he was slapped away from Ryuko as a thick tail covered in off-white scales abruptly erupted from her lower back. At the same time, her ass and thighs became noticeably plumper as her feet, calves, hands, and forearms developed a thick coating of scales. Then, finishing off the half-transformation, a pair of scale-covered dragon wings unfurled from Ryuko's back like an umbrella being opened.

After bouncing off the wall, cratering its surface, Izuku took a moment to admire the view of Ryuko's remarkably well-shaped ass and thighs before asking, "You good...?"

Ostensibly unaware of what had transpired, Ryuko's upturned eyes were glazed over and unfocused, her body heaving with each of her breaths as she sensually drolled, "I'm...great..." before instinctively wagging her ass and tail from side to side. It was an incredibly enticing sight, so Izuku smiled before getting back into position, restraining Ryuko's tail with his left hand and arm before sinking his cock into her even hotter and tighter pussy. It had a bit more depth than before, but Izuku felt like if he were a normal person, the pressure of Ryuko's dragon-enhanced pussy would squeeze the blood out of his dick like a tube of toothpaste, forcing it back into his body...

Activating [Pump Up] and using Blackwhip to restrict Ryuko's twitching wings and body, Izuku proceeded to fuck the half-dragon girl senseless. She was already in a similar state before they even began, but following her partial transformation, her reason gradually gave way to pure instinct, the draconic instinct of dominating or completely submitting to someone more powerful...





Hearing the tablet used for ordering food and other items ding to inform them their time was up, Izuku retrieved it with Blackwhip, grinning as he asked, "Should we pay for another extension...?"

Instead of responding with words, Ryuko continued sucking Izuku's dick, staring at him with an expression of pure devotion as she left the decision to him. They originally rented the room overnight, requiring them to check out by 6 AM, but it was currently 10 AM after Izuku paid for two two-hour extensions.

With Ryuko's Bond Level now firmly at 100, Izuku's smile broadened as he authorized another extension and mused, "Man, your Ex must have been blind or soft in the head. How could anyone in their right mind say no to a face like that? Turn around..."

Though she briefly gained a bit of clarity when Izuku mentioned her Ex, Ryuko didn't hesitate to turn around, arching her back with her ass in the air as she panted like a dog. Her half-dragon transformation had worn off after Izuku fucked her in and out of unconsciousness more than a dozen times, but that didn't make her rear view any less irresistible.

"Don't you love how Healthy Body all but ensures you can keep producing love juices...?" asked Izuku, sinking his cock into Ryuko's hot and stretchy pussy, now a near-perfect sheathe. It became tighter than a fractal vice the moment his tip knocked against her cervix, but Izuku had no difficulty moving as Ryuko promptly extended her tongue, gasping moans escaping her throat as she gripped the bedding tight enough to tear into it.

"You should respond when I ask you a question..." mused Izuku, giving Ryuko's left ass cheek a light smack.

"Yes...! It's wonderful...!" replied Ryuko, her voice hoarse and tinged with a mature allure as her body trembled, her pussy tightening in response to being spanked.

"Good girl..." whispered Izuku, rewarding Ryuko with a series of slow but forceful thrusts, his hips impacting her ass and causing the entire bed to shift forward slightly. Ryuko had tremendous durability, even in her human form, so Izuku could go full force with a thousand Strength, and she took each forceful thrust like a champ. Rather, if he weren't forceful, she would feel like he was teasing her and start moving herself. Izuku didn't mind impassioned and forceful women, but the love hotel they were staying in simply wasn't equipped to handle the uninhibited passion of a half-dragon whose physical attributes increased by more than 15 times in her aroused state...


Name: [Ryuko Tatsuma]

Title: Glutton for Punishment(Vitality+100. Vit has a chance of increasing each time you cum inside her.)

Quirk: Dragon

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 57->84

Effective Level: 85->178(2,476)


Strength: 100->154(2,310)

Agility: 100->154(2,310)

Vitality: 700->889(17,780)

Intelligence: 100->127

Dexterity: 100->127(1,905)

Luck: 255->336

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Scale Armor], [Dragon Force], [Partial Transformation], [Blood Pact]


[Dragon's Roar], [Dragon's Breath], [Dragon's Claw], [Dragon's Whip]

[Partial Transformation]: Superimpose your draconic traits onto your base form, increasing offensive and defensive power.

[Blood Pact]: You are soulbound to the entity: [Izuku Midoriya]. You feel an instinctual compulsion to obey him, and when fighting together, your Experience gains gradually increase over time, capping at 300% of your median Luck.


Though Izuku was initially concerned to see something like [Blood Pact] appear in Ryuko's status, the person in question seemed to think it was a wonderful thing. She wanted to give herself to him, and since he had said he would never let her go, she felt it was only 'natural' that she belonged to him. Such words were undoubtedly a result of the pact's influence, but Ryuko seemed to genuinely think that way, as when Izuku instructed her to reveal her honest thoughts, she expressed that she hated feeling alone and that she believed she would always have like-minded people to talk to and spend time with if she became a member of his harem...

Since he hadn't been lying when he said he wouldn't let her go, not easily at least, Izuku rewarded Ryuko's honesty with the most thorough dicking of her life. Fortunately, she had the foresight to take the day off, as by the time they checked out of the love hotel at noon, Ryuko could barely form a coherent thought, much less fight crime or enter a breach...




(A/N: If it wasn't obvious, one of my patrons is a very avid fan of Ryuko xD...)