Chapter 206

After spending thirty days together in Izuku's dreamscape, Nemuri, straddling his lap, stretched her body immediately after awakening, a broad, somewhat catty smile developing across her face as she met his gaze, wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders, and kissed him.

Separating after a few minutes, Nemuri licked her lips and remarked, "I can see how it could be a problem if someone spent too much time inside, but it ultimately depends on how they use the time. If they know what to expect going into it, it could be very therapeutic."

"I had similar thoughts, but you're the expert..." replied Izuku, punctuating his words by affectionately squeezing Nemuri's voluminous ass. She gave him another deep, passion-filled kiss in response, but since it was nearing the time when she picked up Eri from her private schooling, they moved to the bath shortly after that. There, they discussed the ethics of having sex with a mother and her daughters, referring to Ginka, her mother, and older sister, before Nemuri gave him a parting warning to avoid letting the more obsession-prone girls persuade him to stay in the dreamscape for months or even years on end...




While waiting for classes to let out and everyone to return to the Alliance Heights, the name of Class 1-A's dormitory, Izuku had Kaina, once again, seated atop his lap, caressing her back and combing his fingers through her soft, fragrant, and somewhat putty-like hair. She was visibly annoyed when he first called her, but after getting comfortable within his 'suite' on the top floor, she quickly dozed off.

Thanks to Kaina, Izuku was able to confirm that he was unable to pull people who weren't in his Party into his dreamscape. Wamdus had told him something similar when she was explaining the ability to him, but she also informed him that if he 'imposed' his Authority on others, it could be used as a weapon to trap the minds of his enemies. The caveat was that if he lost the consequential battle of wills, his mind would be broken, and he could even end up possessed.

Delving into his dreamscape to give himself more time to think and to test something out, Izuku was unaware that the moment he did so, his hands naturally gravitated toward Kaina's ass by instinct or muscle memory. She instantly awoke and looked up at him soon after, but when she noticed he had ostensibly fallen asleep, Kaina rolled her eyes and returned her head to his shoulder while doing her best to ignore the heat spreading through her butt as Izuku instinctively fondled it...




As Kaina exited through one of the many secret passages, Izuku went down to the first-floor lounge to find nearly everyone from Class 1-A and 1-B, including several teachers, assembled at his request. He had asked Nezu to let him explain the situation and apprise them of the upcoming operation, but more than that, Izuku wanted to stress the importance of mentally, physically, and emotionally preparing themselves. After all, even if they didn't participate in the upcoming operation, they would eventually encounter Villains who felt no aversion to things like murder. Heading into battle with excess baggage or regrets was never a good idea. With that in mind, Izuku encouraged those who didn't have them to find a girlfriend or something they could stake their lives to protect. Because if they failed in their duty as Heroes, a fate worse than death awaited those who lived to witness the world and society crumble...




[November 22nd, 2149]

To increase the median preparedness of UA's staff and student body, Nezu asked Melissa to produce base-model ATs for everyone. He also had Ishiyama(Cementoss) transform the main campus grounds into an ever-changing obstacle course so even the Business Course students would need to get used to skating around, lest they arrive late to class and receive negative marks.

Fortunately, while the less athletically inclined students complained, the rest of the student body enjoyed cruising around on the super advanced in-line skates. Chiyo-sensei wasn't too enthused with the drastic increase in the number of people visiting the expanded hospital ward. However, as UA's medical staff had expanded to include more than seventy physicians and specialists, she, Eri, and Nemuri were typically only brought in to treat the most egregious injuries, specifically those that required the student or patient to be sedated. Chiyo and several others regaining their youth had been attributed to an Artefact rumored to be in Nezu's possession, so if a situation required the use of Eri's power, the patient would first need to be sedated, searched, and scanned off-site before being brought before her in the most secure region of the school, an underground operating theater located near the main and sixteen reserve power cores that would enable the school to take flight and even enter low-earth orbit if necessary...




[November 23rd, 2149]

After inadvertently 'plucking' off Ginka's shark-like tail in the middle of doing her from behind, Izuku paused, holding the twitching appendage in his right hand while staring slack-jawed at the girl continuing the slam her ass against his hips.

Noticing Izuku's movements had become significantly less intense, Ginka gazed back at him, her usually pale cheeks colored red and an entreating look on her face as she asked, "Why'd you stop...?" before uttering a faint, "Ah..." when she noticed the wriggling tail in his hand.

Before Izuku could think to apologize, Ginka left him speechless by facing forward and gradually resuming her movements as she said, "Don't worry about it. Everyone in my family sheds their tails at one point or another, so it was bound to come off sooner or later..."

"Does it not hurt...?" asked Izuku, watching as the muscles that previously supported Ginka's tail rapidly contracted and closed up without shedding a single drop of blood.

"Not really..." replied Ginka, biting her lip in mild frustration as she moved with even greater vigor. Izuku got the message, so instead of prolonging his unintentional edging, he carefully set the writhing tail aside, grabbed Ginka's hips, and resumed fucking her forcefully and exhaustively, just the way she liked it...




"Are you sure you don't need me to walk you back...?" asked Izuku, feeling a little apologetic as Ginka could barely focus as she clung to a bag of ice containing her tail. Her family had an 'unorthodox' custom of preparing a variant of shark fin stew out of their shed tails, so Ginka needed to return home and place it in a salted ice bath. Luckily, her mother had agreed to raise Yoshio in exchange for protection and life-long financial security, so the Samehada family now had a large, dome-shaped residence located a few hundred meters from the high-tech villa Izuku shared with Inko, and, though she was rarely home, Melissa.

"That depends..." intoned Ginka, meeting Izuku's gaze with unfocused, half-lidded eyes and a toothy grimace as she revealed, "The girls in my family have strong instincts, and my sister, Izuna, is a complete slut. Are you prepared to fuck all of us...?"

"Are you okay with that...?" asked Izuku, raising his right brow.

Shrugging, Ginka flatly replied, "So long as I get mine, I don't care if or how others get theirs. Just don't go knocking up my mom or anything. I have enough siblings, even without that Yoshio brat..."

As Ginka's mother, Fumino, had five kids with three separate men, Izuku understood the shark-toothed girl's worries. Fumino wasn't a particularly promiscuous woman, but she was very 'aggressive' in the bedroom. As a result, she had a penchant for getting pregnant and, due to the number and 'temperament' of her children, most guys up and disappeared on her the moment they learned she was expecting. With the recent inclusion of Yoshio, that made her a single mother to six children...




With Ginka ultimately permitting Izuku to carry her home, the duo barely got through the doorway, leading to a dwelling that was half-submerged in water, before a remarkably well-developed woman with short, nearly white hair and gold eyes spotted them, adopting a shark-toothed grin as she remarked, "Holy shit, Ginka. Did you seriously bring big-dick Midoriya directly into our home? And is that your tail? Guess you've finally become a 'real' woman, shishishishi~"

Feeling revitalized after Izuku set her in the water, Ginka lazily gestured toward the white-haired woman and said, "This half-naked skank is the slutty sister I warned you about. If you get the chance, fuck some sense into her."

Though she was initially going to retort that she was allowed to dress however she pleased in their home, Izuna, wearing grey, shark-themed leggings, a black brassier, and a pale grey crop top that let her breasts hang out and had a slit in the back for her fin, perked up when she heard Ginka mention Izuku fucking her. She even hopped off the floating lounge she was lazily lying atop, gliding through the water to approach and press her breasts against Izuku as she mused, "Oh~? Is big-dick Midoriya-kun going to teach little old Izuna-chan's pussy a lesson with his humongous horse cock~?"


"'s tempting..." admitted Izuku, shamelessly cupping and giving Izuna's remarkably toned ass a firm squeeze as he added, "But I'm a bit of a hypocrite. If we fuck, you're my woman from that moment onward. I don't share."

Before Izuna could respond, a predominately raven-haired woman with strands of grey and white entered the room, unabashedly nursing a baby with a perennially weary expression. Had she been twenty years younger, she could have easily passed as Ginka's twin. Instead, she radiated MILF energy from every pore of her being, even with faded but stark blue eyes that looked like they had witnessed countless wars.

Meeting Izuku's gaze, the topless woman, Fumino, appeared to fall into a momentary daze before promptly recovering and asking, "What's going on in here...?" Then, noticing the bag Ginka was holding, a weary but genuine smile bloomed across her face as she muttered, "Ahh...congratulations on losing your tail, Ginka. Go place it in brine."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," replied Ginka, gliding through the water toward their half-submerged kitchen. While she did that, Izuna was staring up at Izuku with subtly glowing, predatory eyes, shamelessly grinding against his dick as he made things a little easier for her by pulling her up by her somewhat rough-feeling but remarkably toned ass cheeks.

Though she noticed her daughter's antics, Fumino didn't even bat an eye as she met Izuku's gaze and asked, "Are you intending to stay for dinner? I wasn't planning to start on it for a few hours, but I can get to it once I'm done feeding Yoshino..."

Before responding to Fumino, Izuku took advantage of Izuna's 93 Bond Level to try drawing her into his dreamscape. When it worked, he spent a solid hour pacifying her, translating to a mere ten seconds in reality. Then, smiling, he suggested, "How about you leave Yoshino and dinner to Ginka and Izuna while we get to know each other?"

Blinking in surprise, Fumino opened her mouth to protest somewhat disingenuously but was preempted by Izuna releasing Izuku, revealing the sizeable tent he was pitching as she spread her hands, shrugged, and said, "Fine, but you both owe me big time for this..."

With Izuna invariably approaching to liberate Yoshino from her, Fumino became even more confused. Her eldest daughter hadn't hesitated to effectively drop out of college the moment she learned they were set for life, so calling her self-centered would be an understatement. Since she was already topless, however, wearing nothing but a pair of grey imitation jeans made from the same material as a wetsuit, Fumino met Izuku's gaze with palpable hunger in her eyes before ultimately shepherding him to her room. Luckily, while the room was partially submerged, like the rest of the house, her circular bed floated on top of it, absorbed and displaced water, and was heated...




(A/N: *inhales* Mommy shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo~)