Chapter 213

"Isn't it about time for you to wake up...?" asked Nana, an absentminded look adorning her face as she gazed at the sunset Izuku had created while using his lap as a pillow. She had failed to put her foot down, so while their time together had lessened from more than three months to a fixed thirty days per sleep session, she was like a tame lioness in Izuku's ownership.

Caressing the choker around Nana's neck, similar to the one he had gifted Momo, Izuku lazily replied, "Would you condemn me for wanting to spend a few more hours with someone I love...?"


Though there was a momentary tension, suggesting that she wanted to say something, Nana ultimately exhaled a faint sigh and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of having her head and face gently caressed. She felt like her pride as Izuku's Grandmaster had been thoroughly stripped away from her, but if she were being completely honest...she didn't care. Forty-odd years as a vestige, endlessly reexperiencing scenes from her life as if they were a kaleidoscope, left her feeling distinctly 'incomplete.' Spending time with Izuku made her feel whole again, so even though she knew she should end things between them, Nana was coming to terms with the fact her mind, body, and, more pertinently, her heart was thoroughly within his grasp...




Despite spending several additional days with Nana, Izuku awoke around 4 AM, more than two and a half hours before he usually awoke to start his day and get a jump start on breakfast. Thus, after hugging Inko, serving as his little spoon, Izuku kissed her head before carefully separating from her, leaving the bed, and returning to his room using Float. There, he kept it up while showering, brushing his teeth, and donning his clothes before leaving via the secret entrance in his closet.

Enjoying the crisp morning air from sixty or so meters above his house, Izuku took a moment to check the status and location of everyone in his Party before making his way to the 1-B dorms. There, he touched down on a shaded balcony with dozens of different types of mushrooms being grown from logs before placing his palm on the external biometric sensor, unlocking it using his Administrative permissions.

Though it wasn't his first time in her room, Izuku paused for a moment to take in Kinoko's mushroom-themed decor. Nearly everything in her room had a toadstool pattern, matching her costume, but the thing that caught most people's eyes as they entered her room were the giant mushrooms she used in place of furniture, filling the room with a distinctly earthy but not wholly unpleasant aroma.

Fortunately, though she would probably sleep atop a bed of mushrooms and moss if allowed, Kinoko's bed was fairly normal. Her bedding had the usual toadstool pattern, and her pillows were shaped like mushroom caps, but that was par for a girl whose hobbies included mushroom farming and developing mushroom-themed cuisine.

Spotting Kinoko on her bed, modeling a remarkably frilly, pink-and-white babydoll nightgown and an eye mask with cartoonish eyes drawn on the front, Izuku smiled and floated over her before abruptly placing his hand over her mouth. She startled awake and put up a considerable amount of resistance, but since she had confided in several of the other girls that it was her 'dream' to have him sneak into her room and be taken by force, he momentarily played the part of a villainous home invader, albeit within the dreamscape to avoid causing an actual scene...




Sitting naked atop Izuku's lap as they gazed out over a landscape and horizon dominated by tree and even mountain-sized mushrooms, Kinoko wistfully remarked, "I wish we could stay here forever..."

"I'm sure there's at least one mushroom-themed breach or dimension out there somewhere..." mused Izuku, kissing the crown of Kinoko's head. He knew she was referring to them, not the setting they were in, but Nemuri had advised him to stop commenting that he wished he could freeze time and stay with certain girls indefinitely. As romantic as such remarks were, they functioned like seeds that could blossom in a dangerous direction if cultivated haphazardly, so Izuku was taking care to be more 'tactful' with his words and promise-making.

Though she exhaled a faint sigh, Kinoko didn't attempt to clarify what she meant by her words. Instead, she bumped the back of her head against his chest, closed her eyes, and relaxed her body, enjoying the final few moments of their two-week tryst as the sun, resembling the cross-shaped top of a shitake mushroom, gradually set over the horizon...




After seeing Kinoko to class and exchanging greetings with most of Class 1-A and 1-B, Izuku lazily floated in the direction of his home but ended up at the Samehada residence when he noticed Inko's Proximity Marker was absent, located 1843m away at the approximate location of the staff gym. She, Rumi, Anan, Nemuri, and Luna were together, so Izuku assumed they were working out and decided not to intrude.

Fortunately, though Fumino was preoccupied with caring for Yoshino, Izuna was more than happy to keep Izuku company before her mother came and joined them on the living room sofa. There, the three made out with one another and talked about his forthcoming trip to Peru. Hearing that he would be meeting a physical embodiment of Death made Fumino more than a little anxious, but Izuku managed to alleviate her concerns without too much trouble, specifically by fucking her and her daughter until they could barely form coherent thoughts. Then, as they cuddled and slept on the couch, he took over looking after Yoshino until around lunchtime, wrapping things up by preparing and serving lunch for the two carnivorous beauties...




"Are we seriously going to stay like this the entire flight...?" asked Kaina, staring down at Izuku with half-lidded eyes from her position atop his lap, their location the sizeable suite in the back of Nezu's futuristic, hundred-and-thirty-five-billion Yen private jet.

"Not the 'entire' flight..." reassured Izuku, smiling as he cupped Kaina's cuppable but remarkably toned bottom. He was still being careful with her, but as years had passed since their first encounter, at least from his perspective, he didn't feel like he was crossing any lines by simply placing his hands on her butt.

Catching Izuku a little off guard, Kaina rolled her eyes and uttered a faint, "Whatever..." before leaning forward and kissing him. He reciprocated and even began caressing her pussy through the fabric of her skirt, stockings, and underwear, but until Kaina sat up and abruptly removed her top of her own accord, exposing her modest but rapidly developing breasts and dark purple braw, Izuku focused primarily on massaging her ass.

Staring down at Izuku with half-lidded eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, Kain remarked, "I'm about fed up with your teasing, and there's no way in hell I'm spending the next ten to fifteen hours just 'cuddling' and making out..."

"Then tell me what you want to do, and I'll be happy to oblige..." replied Izuku, smiling as he placed his hands on Kaina's sides and caressed her with the very tips of his fingers, causing goosebumps to develop across her body.

Narrowing her eyes even further, Kaina flatly revealed, "I hate people who manipulate others more than any other group of assholes..."

Despite her words, Kaina reached up to undo the ribbon restraining her ponytail, freeing her inordinately long hair as she appended, "But I know you're only doing this out of some misplaced sense of concern. Therefore, just this once, I'll forgive you...just stop fucking around..."

Partway through her words, Kaina guided Izuku's hands to her breasts, slipping his fingers under the fabric of her bra so he could massage them directly as she began grinding against his bulge. Seeing him traipse about for the past few weeks had caused her to feel increasingly frustrated. His inviting her over to cuddle for hours at a time didn't help any, so with their estimated flight time being thirteen hours and twenty-nine minutes, there was no way in hell she was going to lay atop him and allow him to caress her back like a child in need of consolation...even if it felt comfortable and relaxing...

Correctly assuming that Kaina's 77 Bond Level would do a nose dive if he continued insisting they take things slow, Izuku just smiled and began to massage and knead her perfectly palm-sized breasts. As he did so, Kaina took the initiative to undo the clasps of her skirt, making it very clear she intended to remove it the first chance she got.

Sparing her the effort, Izuku rose to a seated position before skillfully reversing his and Kaina's positions. He noticed her briefly tense when he placed her on her back, but instead of telling him to stop, she placed her hands above her breasts and watched him silently as he peeled away her skirt, stockings, and surprisingly plain panties. Then, instead of ravishing her, as she half-expected him to do, he pried open her legs, pushed them up slightly, and lowered his head to begin licking her flawless but notably dry pussy, gradually lubricating it with his saliva and increasingly dextrous tongue until she started producing fluids of her own.

"You're pretty good at this..." remarked Kaina, her expression and tone flat but a faint pink hue spreading from her cheeks and into her ears. She was well aware of Izuku's 'proclivities' concerning women, but just because he was sexually promiscuous, that didn't make him competent. Thus, while she would never admit it, she was somewhat...relieved by how careful and thorough he was.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing right..." mused Izuku, shifting from using his tongue to tentatively probing Kaina's pussy with a single finger while gently rubbing her tiny flesh button. She didn't moan or exhibit any overt signs that she was getting off, but as her pussy began to quiver and clamp around his finger as he slowly and deliberately mapped out each of her folds, it was fairly obvious she was feigning stoicism.

Sensing that Kaina was on the verge of an orgasm, her pussy and abs contracting each time he rubbed her g-spot, Izuku promptly ceased his ministrations and sat up, causing her to open her eyes and meet his gaze as he spread her legs by the knees. A tense silence hung between them for several seconds before Kaina spread her legs even further and raised her hips of her own accord, enabling him to smoothly guide his cock into her incredibly tight and virginal pussy, prying it open with his tremendous size and girth.

Despite her best efforts, Kaina's left eye twitched involuntarily as her breath got caught in her chest. She knew Izuku was well-endowed, but she had underestimated how much 'pressure' there would be as he sank his cock more than halfway into her, his glans pressing against her cervix like he was trying to pry it open.

"Give me your hands..." said Izuku, prompting Kaina to stare at him for several seconds before complying. Then, slowly and carefully, he pinned her hands to the bed and leaned over her, holding her gaze as he began to move his hips. He could feel the temperature of her pussy increase as it swelled due to his intrusion, but because he kept moving, he didn't end up getting caught and causing her discomfort. That was a mistake Izuku had made with Rebecca in the past, so while Kaina undoubtedly required time to adapt, he afforded it to her in the form of relaxed and rhythmic thrusts until she closed her eyes and parted her lips to release a nearly inaudible, passion-tinged sigh. She turned her face when Izuku tried to kiss her, but that just gave him access to her ear, jawline, and neck. It also brought his ear near her mouth, allowing him to make out the faint, suppressed moans rising from her throat as he gradually put more force into his thrusts...




(A/N: Meanwhile, Tokoyami sits in the cabin with a deadpan expression as he watches an in-flight movie...)