The Road Had Been Further Narrowed

When the 'Civilization Annihilator' informed the Milky Way of their decision, Li Wenyuan felt it was almost time to make a move.

He still did not know what that crazy Awakened Empire, who was trying to get everybody to suicide together, was trying to do, but the damage they had caused to the Milky Way had reached the limit of what he could ignore.

Originally, he had considered that the other party seemed to be one of the first 'tinder' left behind by humans before they left, and the matter was still in the category of 'internal disputes in the Milky Way,' so he should not be involved.

But now, it seemed that that 'tinder' had faded and became a threat like a time bomb, wanting to drag the entire Milky Way down with it.

He would never allow anything that wanted to destroy the entire Milky Way.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to send out the Milky Way announcement and warp the fleet to every place attacked by the 'Civilization Annihilator.'