Black Hole Galaxy

This Black Hole galaxy with a huge number of Dead Planets had a special situation.

According to the information he had intercepted near the Black Hole, there was probably an unbelievable secret inside the Black Hole.

Li Wenyuan made a backup of the data of the consciousness that was about to sink into the Black Hole. Although his mechanical consciousness could make him fearless, he still needed to be mentally prepared to enter the interior of this mysterious celestial body.

The matter was torn and dragged by gravity, and then the high-speed friction produced an accumulation disk that continuously released intense rays.

This was one of the important methods to observe a Black Hole because the Black Hole itself was invisible.

The disc-like luminous disc surrounded the darkness in the center, and whether it was the detection of radiation or gravitational anomalies, it could simulate an invisible celestial body in the virtual world.