Who Is Watching the Milky Way?

[ This is the Milky Way observation station. Those who have nothing to do with it, please leave immediately or you will be punished by the Garrison fleet. ]

The special signal wandering in this galaxy made Li Wenyuan alert.

Although he had heard similar signals in Epsilon Shelter, it was different from the circular world. There seemed to be a hostile target reaction here.

Almost at the same time as his thoughts, the research spaceship that had warped to this place popped up a locked alarm.

The next moment, a beam of light from the center of the galaxy brushed past the research spaceship.

As he looked around, a mysterious fleet was docked in the starry sky.

A pulsar at the center of the galaxy was providing gravity to this starfield. Logically speaking, the frequent electromagnetic pulses would cause the spaceship's shield system to fail.