Outer Stargate – Silver Heart World

The supermassive Black Hole here was unbelievably large.

Its diameter was still under investigation, but based on the size of the Tiangang Battleship, this supermassive Black Hole was about four to five solar systems in diameter.

It was almost unimaginable that a Black Hole of this size could exist in the Milky Way.

Li Wenyuan was also quite shocked by this. He really did not expect that there was such a super Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way.

He had thought that the distance between the sun and Mercury would be considered as the size of the Black Hole. He did not expect to be too conservative. The center of the Milky Way gave him a super big job.

Perhaps no civilization in the Milky Way could guess that the Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way was so big because it was inconsistent with the detected gravitational force.