Losing Control of Artificial intelligence

"The active purification agreement has been activated as expected."

While the civilizations of the Milky Way were still arguing over the new galactic focus, Li Wenyuan had already begun to plan how to use this Milky Way Crisis.

Ever since the countdown in the core database had been shortened rapidly due to the ghost signal of the active purification agreement, he had been paying attention to the time all the time. The moment the countdown reached zero, he confirmed that the active purification agreement had appeared.

This Milky Way Crisis came on time, or rather, the active purification agreement was still operating according to a certain degree of logic.

According to the judgment of the core database, the abnormal ghost signal from the active purification agreement was the beginning of this Milky Way Exam."

At a fixed time after this beginning, the active purification agreement would be activated, and the Milky Way Exam would be carried out.