Purification Core (1)

All kinds of explosions occurred on the surface of the central processing unit, and even the vacuum of space could not stop the explosion from spreading.

The huge alloy structure also let out a mournful cry under the destruction. Even if one just looked at it, one could almost hear the ear-piercing sound of metal breaking.

A large number of megastructure fragments were blasted into outer space, but most of them fell into the star under the influence of gravity and became part of the fuel.

Everyone who was observing the scene fell silent.

From a space perspective, it might be difficult to feel too much emotion about this scene. After all, it was just a building. At most, they would sigh at the huge building crashing into the star.

However, if they were to share a little bit of their feelings and understand everything that had happened here, it would be difficult to have any other feelings other than heaviness.