
The natural disasters experienced in the history of the Milky Way could be roughly divided into three types: insect plague, World Breaker, and unexpected enemy.

Among them, the insect plague was Presolin. Now, only the one in Li Wenyuan's hands was left. As for the World Breaker, it was the predecessor of the Silent from the lost empire that had run off to god knows where. As for the unexpected enemy, it still existed in the universe. The Milky Way was just a sub-machine of the unexpected enemy.

Although there was still a special disaster like the settlement of the End of Reincarnation, the source of this disaster was actually still in the Milky Way and could not be considered a natural disaster.

The other three natural disasters came from outside the Milky Way. They were real undeserved disasters caused by various reasons.

It was like this in the Milky Way, but was it the same in the universe?