Breaking the Limit! (2)

The next step was how to deal with him. The enemy was in the open, while Levi was in the dark. He had to use this advantage well and deal with the enemy more securely.

Although he had the Frost Giant Armor, Levi was already very confident.

However, it was not wrong to play it safe.

Soon, the auction began. The auctioneer did not waste any time and began to auction the items individually.

Levi also wanted to see if he needed anything in this auction.

Then, the third item surprised Levi.

The beautiful auctioneer called out, "Red Pig Breathing Technique, the ancestral bloodline breathing technique of the Red Pig family that was destroyed a hundred years ago. The starting price is 20 gold coins, and each increment must not be less than 1 gold coin."

Before Levi could bid, the Earl of Silver Mountain in the VIP seats made a move.

"30 gold coins."

His voice was charming to hear.