Advanced To Legendary, His Strength Has Soared! (1)

In front of the mirror, Levi opened his mouth, and a hair-raising scene appeared.

In Levi's mouth, the seemingly ordinary tongue suddenly split into two and stretched out a full foot from his mouth. It coiled in the air like a tentacle.

His tongue turned into something like a snake's tongue.

Then, with a thought, his tongue began to shorten and contract, turning into a tongue similar to that of a normal person and returning to Levi's mouth.

That's right, this was the supernatural organ that was developed after Levi advanced to the legendary level.

It was not the Black Scale that he had expected, but something unexpected.

His tongue had actually turned into a forked structure similar to a snake's tongue.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Levi's tongue looked no different from an ordinary person's.