Level 4 Black Devil Blade, Return to Origin, Nine Golden Swords! 7

"Eight Blade Sect Technique, Eightfold Star Slash!"

Percival's eight bone knives seemed to overlap, transforming into a terrifying greatsword that slashed toward Levi.

Levi sneered. Behind him, the phantom of the Nine Swords Asura suddenly appeared. A 15-foot-tall black evil spirit stood behind him. It had three heads and six arms, each holding a sword!

Its black ribbon fluttered in the wind and had an extraordinary aura like a god had descended!

The Nine Swords Asura had the Buddha's compassionate expression, the Yaksha's evil smile, and the Vajra's angry eyes.

81 black blades appeared around the body of the Nine Swords Asura, buzzing like flying swords.

Asura's Swordsmanship, Return to Origin!


This was the latest move of the Black Devil Blade that Levi had developed after reaching level 4. The black blades shooting out were similar to the ones once unleashed by Nameless.
