Level 9 Black Whale, Whale Back, Whale Mountain! (2)

Arrays were a comprehensive knowledge that integrated many subjects of wizardry. It was also the most difficult knowledge. The resources and time required to learn it were extremely high!

Not to mention this sea area, even in the entire Endless Sea, there might not be many array wizards who were proficient in arrays. Outstanding array wizards were usually nurtured at a special price by some large factions. The array wizards were also firmly controlled by these factions as strategic weapons.

Levi wanted to learn arrays, but even a clever woman could not cook without rice. He did not even have the inheritance knowledge of this array, so how could he learn?

If the array was used well, it would be very useful for him to build his own base on the island or build his own wizard tower.

Levi no longer fantasized about what he did not have. Instead, he took out the corpse of the Sea Clan swordsman from his storage bag.