Legendary Giant, Each Wisp of Breath Turns into an Arrow! (1)

It was the tear 1032 in the Holy Brilliance Calendar, Month of Harvest.

In the human world, in the Emerald Kingdom, Flower City, a man wearing a gold mask placed a rough but extremely well-made armor in front of the staff of Shining Tavern.

The tavern staff asked, "Golden Warhammer Master, is this your new work?"

The muscular man with the golden mask nodded, "That's right."

The staff member said, "Alright, Master. We'll arrange the auction immediately. In addition, Master, there's something I have to tell you."

The golden-masked man said calmly, "Tell me."

"The Lord of the Northern Icewind Territory, the Earl of Silver Mountain, wants to contact you through us. I don't know..." The staff member said with some difficulty.

The golden-masked man said without hesitation, "No problem."

"Yes, Master. We will inform the Earl of Silver Mountain." The staff member left the place as if he had been granted amnesty.