Dream Dragon! (2)

"Your knight talent is not bad, but to advance to legendary, your temperament and perseverance are indispensable. If you're interested, you can train with me for a while. It won't be difficult for you to advance to legendary in the future," Levi said casually.

"Senior, I'm willing!" Kelvin said.

He could tell that this Ancient Saint Lord did not seem to have much malice towards humans. He was like an outsider, watching the changes in the world.

This was the real powerhouse. Regardless of whether the other party was a knight, as long as he could train with him, it would not be difficult for him to become a legendary knight in the future.

Levi did this out of nostalgia for the Earl of Silver Mountain.

He had made his fortune in the Black Water Valley. Icewind City had been of great help to him. There, he had completed his first transformation and gradually escaped the threat of the Duke of Montenegro's demonic claws.