Strength Breaks All Techniques! (4)

The Rose Witch's eyes were focused. In front of her, a mirror made of huge water currents appeared.

A ray of white light shot out and shot towards the Crimson Netherworld Sparrow.

This was the Rose Witch's innate spell, Flowing Water Shot!

As for Lady Whitewater, she used her second innate spell, Gluttony Flower.

As a terrifying giant man-eating flower took shape, the black bird was enveloped.

Its tragic cries pierced through the clouds and cracked rocks, making one's eardrums feel uncomfortable.

"Levi, get ready!" Rose said.


The black bird claw tore apart the Gluttony Flower's defense and was riddled with wounds. However, these wounds were constantly healing. Without the effect of the grand array, the self-healing effect was weaker.

The Crimson Netherworld Sparrow wrapped in black flames rushed towards Levi and the others.

Levi revealed his Fire Dragon True Form and the Death Ember Power wrapped around his body.