Mother Nest's Will, Blood Qi Transforming into Wings (6)

"Do you only know how to tickle me?" Monka suddenly slashed out with his sword, and the scorching airflow hit Ido, who flashed past.

Ido reeled back, crying out in pain as a searing pain shot through his chest. A hideous wound appeared there, bleeding profusely.

He drank something similar to a potion, and a blurry green light enveloped his wound.

Ido's face was ashen, his feathers standing on end.

"I was careless and let you succeed."

He quickly distanced himself from Monka and used his long-range advantage to attack him with feather arrows and wind blades.

At this moment, Monka was like a bull. Even though he had brute force, he was toyed with by Ido. He was extremely aggrieved. On the other hand, the other party's long-range attacks continued to cause damage to him.


Monka was no longer defending.

"City Lord, let's retreat!" Old Kane's voice sounded from the bomb shelter.