Gargamel, Fourth Talent! (3)

As for the Black Knight, he had also attained Perfection and embarked on a long journey to find the potion.

Now, all the passages between the Realm of the Unbelievers and the human world have been opened.

Under Levi's guidance, the Black Knight went to the [Earth Realm] ruled by the Earth School of Thought.

There, it would be easier to find the transcendent creatures he needed that had an affinity with the earth element.

The Black Knight himself was also an apprentice wizard. This time, he also wanted to take the opportunity to become an official wizard.

This way, his spiritual force would be strong enough, and his Bloodline Dharma Body would be able to advance further.


The year 1136 of the Holy Brilliance Calendar, the Month of Germinal.

The 105th year of the Great Expedition.

In the Emperor's Palace.

Levi looked at the letter Eve had brought back.