Giant Beast Paradise, Four-Circle Veteran! (2)

Melina turned and fled at the sight of this.

Ur shot out like a cannonball, his demonic gargoyle wings unfurling.

On the other side, Frick, Ray, and the others panicked, wanting to help Melina but unable to.

"Why run? Be my servant, and I'll spare your life," Ur chuckled calmly.

Seeing their leader unharmed, the other cave wizards breathed a sigh of relief, their arrogance returning.

Melina's force field flickered incessantly as she desperately tried to escape, but Ur was getting closer.

Hydra, desperate to protect its master, emerged from the sea, only to be swatted away by Ur, heavily injured.

Melina, whose life was linked to Hydra's, suddenly felt weak, spitting out blood.


Ur's ghostly claws reached out for Melina.

But in a split second, a ripple appeared in front of him, and serpent-like Hermit Runes vanished into thin air.