The Way to Beat the Kidney

Seemingly sensing Liu Xu's question, Xu Bai moved closer and said,""You'll know later."

After saying that, he smelled a fragrance.

It smelled good.

It wasn't the fragrance of greasy makeup, but a faint sandalwood scent that was refreshing.

Liu Xu didn't notice Xu Bai's actions either. She was listening to Xu Bai and was still thinking about how she would die.

After that, the two of them stopped talking and waited quietly.

As the night deepened, the conversation in the room gradually became lighter.

The oil lamp was blown out, and the room fell into darkness.

Xu Bai kept waiting until he heard a soft snoring sound from inside. Then he pulled out the long knife at his waist.

"Is there a way to make them sleep even soundly?"

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment before she nodded.

She reached into her clothes and pulled out a long tube.