Successful (1)

Xu Bai didn't leave.

Since he was already here, he should make everything clear.

He didn't have a new progress bar to work on, so he had a lot of time.

Of course, Xu Bai still couldn't forget that bald head.

Jin Gang Temple. It sounded like a temple of monks. He guessed that it was related to the monk in green.

Sure enough, Liu Xu first told him about No Flower's identity.

"Heaven Inspectorate…" Xu Bai touched his chin." You said there was something else just now. It's related to this, right?""

"Something like that. He already knew about the matter of Iron Calculation Immortal. This time, he came for another matter. He wants to find help."Liu Xu said.

"Helper?" Xu Bai looked at Liu Xu with a strange expression and said,"Don't tell me there's still you?""