There Are Ways of the World in Jianghu

The alley was quiet and deserted. Compared to the hustle and bustle outside the street, it was as quiet as a paradise.

"It's this saber." Liu Xu nodded.

"Looks like we found the right person." No Flower nodded.

Xu Bai lowered his head and looked at Ghost Head Blade at his waist. True essence energy flowed through his body, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this point, he also knew that these two people had figured out his identity.

"See, I told you. This time, we're in big trouble."Liu Xu rubbed her forehead.

What she meant was to find a suitable opportunity to say it, but No Flower insisted on coming today.

Based on her understanding of Xu Bai, she thought about the knife that night and guessed that there would probably be a fight today.

"Benefactor, don't make a move first. I'll finish what I want to say."No Flower touched his forehead. There was sweat there.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the killing intent from Xu Bai.