I, Xu Bai, Have No Roots of Wisdom

In the dim room, only the oil lamp kept flickering. The light and shadow intertwined, adding a little atmosphere.

"Patron, do you know what Buddha is?"After flipping to the first page, No Flower asked.

Xu Bai sat across from No Flower and placed his elbows on the table. He crossed his fingers and stared at No Flower's forehead, pretending to meet his eyes.

"I don't know."

The progress bar was slowly rising, and it looked very satisfying.

"Then do you know the Buddhist Sect's purpose?"No Flower asked again.

"I don't know either." Xu Bai's eyes were fixed on her.

No Flower was at a loss for words. Even if it's just a word or a sentence."

He had never explained Buddhist scriptures to others before. According to his current qualifications, he really could not explain Buddhist scriptures to others.

Even though he was the center of attention in the Titanium Temple, he had only entered the temple for a short time. He did not have the qualifications.