Red Veil Strange Human-Faced Tree

The courtyard was quiet.

When Xu Bai climbed into the backyard, the locust tree was still standing in the yard, not moving at all.

The moonlight was the brightest at this time of the year. Although the night was dark, the moonlight shone down and illuminated the courtyard. Although it was not as hot as the sun, some silver splendor sprinkled down and covered the locust tree with a layer of silver frost.

The night was mixed with light, and the two blended together like glue.

Lonemoon, locust tree, human, and saber.

If one looked at it from a distance, coupled with the spacious backyard, it would look like a painting of a cold night wind.

A breeze blew, bringing with it a little coolness. Accompanying the coolness was the sound of leaves rustling.

The leaves intertwined with each other and kept colliding with each other. Under the gentle breeze, the entire tree seemed to be a little noisy.