The Green Snow Encountered the Ambush and Broken the Tree (2)

One above and one below, sealing off all paths.

Xu Bai didn't block, but stomped his feet slightly.

The Four Xun Formation was activated.

Flames rose and enveloped Second Brother and Fifth Brother.

The second and fifth brothers were also quite strong. In addition, the current level of the Four Xun Formation was still slightly low. At most, it could only confuse and hinder them.

" Sigh, the experiment failed." Xu Bai sighed.

He was just testing it out just now. Now, it seemed that the Four Xun Formation was indeed lagging behind.

However, it was not a big problem.

Xu Bai threw out maple leaves like rain and slashed at another person.

Due to the experiment just now, his movements were a little slow. The other party's attack arrived first, but there was an abnormality.

Xu Bai didn't do anything, but his opponent's attack missed.