Thousand-faced Poison Lord in the Gale (2)

"I'll tell you everything you want to know, as long as you give me a quick death."

The black-robed man answered quickly. His eyes were filled with fear as he stared at the medicine in Xu Bai's hand.

That kind of pain was simply unbearable for ordinary people. It was not only physical torture, but also a long-term mental tear.

He could not take it anymore after the first pill. When he saw the second pill, his fear was magnified infinitely. It completely shattered the line of defense in his heart. It was like a dam had burst, and it was out of control.

Xu Bai was very satisfied with the performance of the man in black. He put the medicine back into the bottle. After putting it away, he said with interest,"Tell me, I hope your news will satisfy me."