Thousand-faced Poison Lord in the Gale (4)

Why did it feel strange?

Xu Bai thought to himself.

At this moment, a figure rode a book and flipped over the wall.

"Brother Xu, did you look exactly like me when you were ambushed?"Yun Zihai hurriedly spoke the moment he entered the backyard.

That anxious look did not seem to be faked.

"Wait a moment." Xu Bai spoke up in time, telling Yun Zihai to stay away from him."If you take another step forward, I can't guarantee that I won't cut you."

Yun Zihai quickly stopped when he heard this, but there was no other expression on his face. Instead, he suddenly realized and said,"As expected, you've also encountered it. You were sent by someone to kill me, Thousand-faced Poison Lord."

"Thousand-faced Poison Lord?" Xu Bai sized her up.

Why was this nickname so lame? Who gave it to him?

"Among the Level Seven experts in Jianghu, this person is extremely difficult to deal with. There are even rumors that he killed a Level Six expert."The clouds came from the sea.