Clues Hit and Clouds of Doubt (1)

It was a simple word, but it was especially cold in the dark night. Looking at Seven Ghost rushing over, Xu Bai kept his finger hooked, but his eyes were filled with killing intent.

There were no more wild wolves in the surroundings. All that was left were the corpses of wild wolves. When Seven Ghost rushed toward Xu Bai, his fur was all blown up, and he looked extremely terrifying.

It was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Xu Bai. The pair of huge hands that had already turned into wolf claws grabbed at Xu Bai from top to bottom.

How big was a three-meter-tall standing wolf? How big were his hands?

That hand was like a small millstone. If he grabbed it tightly, he would definitely shatter it into pieces.

The claws brought up the sound of wind as they got closer and closer to Xu Bai. Just as they were about to grab him, Xu Bai reached out and pressed on Seven Ghost's wolf claws.
