The Black Hole at the Bottom of the Lake

Waves of water rippled on the calm surface of the lake, spreading along the intersection between the fishing line and the lake. The fishing line shook violently, indicating that something had taken the bait.

Qin Feng was slightly stunned at first. Soon after, his face revealed a look of ecstasy. He gripped the fishing rod tightly with both hands and could not help but shake it.

This was the first time he had such a phenomenon. He was so excited that he couldn't even control his hands.

As a fishing brother, Qin Feng was someone who had never caught a fish before. He had never even seen the signs of fishing before.

Not only did they not encounter any signs of being hooked, but they also did not even see the shadow of a fish.

Now that he suddenly saw it, he realized that his luck must have changed.

"I told you that people can be bad for a while, but not for a lifetime."Qin Feng says excitedly.