The Way to Break the Situation Begins with Xu Bai

Although the coffin was tightly sealed, there was still a thin line that extended along the edges. When Xu Bai touched the line with Ghost Head Blade, he could feel that it had loosened.

Apart from the loosening, there was also an inexplicable cold air coming out of the coffin, spreading along Ghost Head Blade's blade all the way to his hand.

When the cold air hit him, Xu Bai realized that he seemed to hear a series of shouts.

This shout was like an avalanche, instantly filling Xu Bai's brain.

He couldn't hear the specific content, but he could feel a murderous aura that rushed straight to the top of his head.

Xu Bai released Ghost Head Blade and frowned.

"Did you feel that murderous aura?"

He turned around and asked Yun Zihai and the others.

The few of them looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating that they did not hear it.