ConsecuMultiple Encounters with the Bamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehamehameh

As for what happened last night, he would put it aside for now. In his eyes, nothing was more important than the progress bar.

As time passed, the progress bar gradually increased and finally became perfect.

In Xu Bai's line of sight, light blue smoke appeared. After the light blue smoke appeared in the air, it gradually turned into words.

[You have studied the Nameless Saber Scripture and comprehended the 24 Steps of Armor Penetration (Incomplete).]

"Yes... Armor Break 24…Step?"

At first, Xu Bai didn't realize what was going on, but when he did, he realized that the name was one word different from what he had imagined.

"Step? Movement technique?" Xu Bai thought to himself.

With a little thought, he figured out the profundity.

A truly powerful saber technique was not just a saber technique. If it could allow a person to enter Rank One, it must contain other things, including mental cultivation techniques, footwork, and so on.