Chapter 126-Mastery Skill, New Usage (3)

"Men!" Xu Bai walked to the door and shouted outside.

A bailiff came in from outside and cupped his fists."Greetings, Lord Xu. What's the matter, Lord Xu?"

The Zhou Manor had already instructed that no matter what Xu Bai's request was, they had to do their best to satisfy it. Therefore, the bailiffs were very respectful.

"Take these people to the other cells, as far away from me as possible."Xu Bai said.

Since the matter was over, Xu Bai didn't want to say anything more.

"Yes, sir!" the bailiff replied.

The family heads came in with dumbfounded expressions and were taken away with dumbfounded expressions. They were taken to a cell far away from Xu Bai.

After everyone left, Xu Bai looked at an empty place and said,""Lord Song?"

Song De's footsteps sounded. He walked to Xu Bai's cell and said,""Lord Xu, it seems that the other party is really flawless."