The Beginning of the Final Battle (4)

Why was Gale Country destroyed? It was also because of this cruelty that if Great Chu continued to walk on this old path, it would be very difficult to walk at that time.

However, staying behind would leave behind a root of disaster. After all, no one knew whether this group of Jianghu people had truly submitted or were temporarily lying low, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.

If this root of disaster was left behind for a long time, it would be like a fish bone of Great Chu, stuck in the emperor's throat. It could not be swallowed or pulled out.

"So that's how it is. When the emperor said that he would pull out the hidden root of trouble, he was referring to these people in the martial arts world."Xu Bai thought to himself.

His trip to Shangjing was to lure out these people who harbored evil intentions, or rather, the inheritances of the martial world, so that the emperor could eliminate them in one fell swoop.