This Chessboard Is Good!(8000)_1

When Xu Bai first stepped in, he realized that something was wrong.

There were twelve corpses on the ground. They were the twelve sword formations from before.

His death was extremely terrifying. His entire body was covered in dense wounds, and not a single part was intact.

If an ordinary person saw this, they would probably have nightmares at night.

Other than the Twelve Swords Formation, everyone else was more or less injured.

There was a long wound on Song De's right arm that extended from his shoulder to his wrist, and blood was constantly flowing out of it.

"What's going on?" Xu Bai asked with a frown as he stepped into the government office.

Hearing Xu Bai's voice, everyone reacted and looked in the direction of Xu Bai's voice.

"Lord Xu, an expert has come here specifically to silence us."Song De smiled bitterly.


Xu Bai muttered to himself,"Even you lost?""