Ye Zi Is Very Good to Use (1)

Visit the Ou Clan?

When Ye Zi heard what Xu Bai said, she was stunned on the spot.

After a while, he said hesitantly,""But…Are we going to go openly like this?"

To do this, he had to find a dark and windy time to put on a night suit and secretly touch it, right?

Ye Zi was a little confused. If they went there openly, would they be able to find anything useful?

"Of course, we should go openly. Sometimes, it's better to investigate openly than secretly."Xu Bai opened the door and said,"Let's go."

Ye Zi was in a daze. Although she covered her face with a veil, her big eyes were filled with confusion.

However, since Xu Bai had said so, she did not ask any more questions and followed him out the door.

After they left, Xu Bai brought Ye Zi to a small stall to eat.

Although Ye Zi had covered her face with a veil, her gentle and charming temperament did not change, making Xu Bai the center of attention.