The Boat of Joy (4)

Xu Bai looked in the direction that Ye Zi was pointing at and saw a boat that could accommodate up to a hundred people anchored at the center of the river.

In the middle of the ship, there was a plaque with the words " Zhile Ship " written on it.

"Who built such a big ship?"Xu Bai narrowed his eyes and asked.

"It's the Lin family, the number one family in the Wind Chime Manor."Ye Zi explained," It is said that their family has connections with many high officials and nobles in the capital. The Lin family is very good at war drums. The head of the family has already become a third-grade musician and is a drum master of the musician branch."

Xu Bai nodded.

He was only interested in these things. As for the rest, he was not interested. He was only interested in those demon masters.

"Oh, right." Xu Bai seemed to have thought of something and asked,"Why haven't I seen you guys use musical instruments before?"