Is This Really Demonic?(8000)_4

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long. After a moment, it gradually stopped.

When Xu Bai regained his senses, he found himself standing on a piece of black land.

There was no sun in the sky, but there was a hazy red light shining down, turning everything around them dark red.

As he stepped on the charred soil, he felt a cold and gloomy feeling. Coupled with the surrounding red light, the cold and gloomy feeling was even stronger.

Xu Bai looked around and found that he was in the middle of a street surrounded by dilapidated houses. Under the illumination of the red light, there was a strange feeling.

There was no one on the street, and it looked unusually deserted.

On the street, all kinds of stalls were placed there, looking no different from usual. Other than the red light that filled the sky and the scorched earth under their feet, it looked like an ordinary town.

Although there was nothing unusual, the feeling of danger lingered in Xu Bai's heart.