Why a Heavy Sword (3)

The puppet of the fourth grade didn't hesitate either. It stepped into the room and sat down on a chair.


A crisp sound was heard as the woman in rags closed the door.

Immediately after, her shape became extremely strange. Dense threads appeared in the air at her joints, and they were hanging in the air. It looked very strange.

"Lord Xu, rumors in the martial world say that you are a boor. I didn't expect you to be so cautious. You didn't even come to see me sincerely. It seems that Lord Xu is worried that I will make you deal with you secretly."

A voice that was neither male nor female, but also seemed to be male or female, echoed in the room. It was impossible to hear the specific tone and gender.

In terms of caution, soul controllers had their own methods.

The puppet of the Fourth Stage didn't reply. Instead, it took out another piece of paper, and the contents appeared on it.