The Strange Embracer (3)

"Ye Zi, you stay here." Xu Bai beckoned to the puppet of the Fourth Stage behind him.

The puppet of the Fourth Stage took off the bag on its back and handed it to Xu Bai, who then passed it to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was stunned. After she reacted, she hurriedly said,"Young Master, this place is very strange. Don't take the risk."

"Of course I won't take the risk," Xu Bai said with a smile."

As soon as he finished speaking, the puppet of the Fourth Stage, which had already handed over the item, moved. It raised its leg and walked out of the passageway.

Since he sensed danger, he would send someone to take a look. The most suitable person here would be a puppet of the Fourth Stage.

Puppets of the Fourth Stage didn't have any life. They were controlled by him, and they were the best for exploration.

When the puppet of the Fourth Stage stepped out under Xu Bai's control, Xu Bai saw danger approaching.