Above First Grade (8, 000)

Ever since he had Ye Zi and obtained music, he rarely used torture to extort confessions. So now that he suddenly had to use it, he felt a little emotional and nostalgic.

Wen Si felt as if she was looking at a demon when she saw the expression of regret and nostalgia on her face.

"By the way, you didn't cut off the pain, did you?"Xu Bai pinched Wen Si's fair index finger and suddenly exerted force.

In the next moment, the sound of bones cracking could be heard as Wen Si let out a shrill cry.

Watching a beautiful woman scream was sometimes a visual enjoyment.

It was better than a man screaming.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious." " I know how to use poison and cure people," Xu Bai comforted her gently." I have a way to make you recover quickly.""

As he spoke, Xu Bai continued to pinch Wen Si's little finger and exerted a little force.


" Ah!" Wen Si screamed again, her face pale.