The Flying Gu (8000)

Gradually, the screams faded away, and the ground was littered with corpses.

"Here, take it." Xu Bai took the saber from the puppet of the Fourth Stage and let the woman hold it.

The woman's eyes were empty, and she subconsciously held the long knife.

Xu Bai brought the woman to the old man. He held the woman's hand and pressed the long knife against the old man's chest. Then, he gently pushed it in.


The knife was very slow, and there was a lot of blood.

The old man couldn't move his body and could only watch as the knife pierced into his chest.

Pain and despair enveloped his heart, and the feeling of death kept approaching.

The old man died on the spot when the long sword pierced through his body.

The long saber returned to the puppet of the Fourth Stage, and everything returned to silence.

When Miao Xiao saw this scene and saw Xu Bai's calm expression, she suddenly felt that she could not see through this idol in front of her.